Chapter 16 Multi-scale Modeling of Materials Organizers: Professor Fu-Pen Chiang, Professor Z. Xiao Guo, Professor Hanchen Huang, Professor Nobutada Ohno, Professor Hiroshi Okada, Dr. Deepak Srivastava, Dr. Vinod Tewary, Professor Yoshiro Tomita, & Professor Priya Vashishta
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A Dynamical Approach to the Spatio- temporal Features of the Portevin- Le Chatelier Effect
G. Ananthakrishna
Transport Properties of Carbon- and Silicon-Based Nanotubes
Antonios N. Andriotis
Multiscale Modeling Directly Linking the Electronic Structure Level to the Continuum Level
Tomas Arias
Toward Efficient Numerical Methods for Solving the Boltzmann Equation for Low-Speed Flows
Lowell Baker; Nicolas G Hadjiconstantinou
Residual Stress Determination by Diffraction: Modeling and Applications
Davor Balzar; Nicolae C. Popa
Calculation of Electronic Properties of Point Defects with the Quantum Embedded Cluster Approach
Miguel A. Blanco; Aurora Costales; Víctor Luańa; Ravindra Pandey
Multiscale Process Modeling in Microelectronics
Max O. Bloomfield; Timothy Cale
Nanomechanics: Elasticity and Beyond
Tahir Cagin
Modeling of CNT based Composites: Numerical Issues
Namas Chandra; Chandrakanth Shet
Micro/Nanomechanics Mapping of Deformation Pattern of Lamellar of TiAl
Fu-Pen Chiang
Ab-Initio Studies of Large Deformation Processes of Graphene
Peter W. Chung
Nanotechnology Energetic Material Dynamics Studied with Nanometer Spatial Resolution and Picosecond Temporal Resolution
Dana D. Dlott; Hyunung Yu; Shufeng Wang; Yanqiang Yang; Selezion A. Hambir
Studies of Defects and Strains Using X-Ray Topography and Diffraction
Michael Dudley
From Molecule/Surface Interactions to Film Growth: Multi-model Strategy for atomic scale gate dielectrics technologies
Alain Esteve
Hydrogen Storage on Nanotubes and Nanoscrolls
George E. Froudakis
Computational Materials at NASA Langley Research Center
Thomas S. Gates
Elastic Moduli of a Single-Layered Graphene Sheet with Finite Element and Geometrical Approaches Using Equivalent Spring Modeling
Jaafar Ghanbari; Kambiz Behfar; Reza Naghdabadi
De Novo Multiscale Simulations of Materials
William A. Goddard
Self-Assembled Semiconductor Nanostructures: Multi-Scale Experimentation
Rachel S. Goldman
Modelling of Interfaces for Biomedical Devices: Challenges Ahead
Z. Xiao Guo
Molecular Dynamics Study of Temperature Dependence of Water Flow through Carbon Nanotube Junction using Reflecting Particle Method
Itsuo Hanasaki; Akihiro Nakatani; Hiroshi Kitagawa
Interface Sliding and Migration in an Ultrafine Lamellar Structure
Luke L. Hsiung
Atomistic Simulations of Texture Evolution in Thin Films
Hanchen Huang
How are the Different Structures in Atomic Clusters Formed? - Molecular Dynamics and Experimental Studies
Tamio Ikeshoji
Role of Atomic Relaxation in Hydrogen-Induced Amorphization
Masahiko Katagiri; Hidehiro Onodera
Interfacial Heat Flow in Carbon Nanotube Composites
Pawel Keblinski
Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Polymer Behavior in Nano- and Microfluidic Systems
Satish Kumar
Crystallographic Effects on Nano-plasticity on Copper Surfaces
Haiyi Liang; Chung-Ho Woo; Hanchen Huang
Iterative Solution Techniques for the Quasi-continuum Method
Yu Liang; RamdevKanapady; Peter Chung
On Micromechanical Behavior of Glassy Polymer Blended with Different Sized Rubber Particles
Wei Lu; Yoshihiro Tomita
Homogenized Elastic-Viscoplastic Behavior of Plain-Woven GFRP Composites Subjected to In-Plane Tensile Load
Tetsuya Matsuda; Yuki Nimiya; Nobutada Ohno; Masataka Tokuda
Molecular-dynamics Study on Crack Growth Behavior Relevant to Crystal Nucleation in Amorphous Metal
Ryosuke Matsumoto; Michihiko Nakagaki; Akihiro Nakatani; Hiroshi Kitagawa
Micromechanical Properties of Cement Pastes at Elevated Temperatures
Jiri Nemecek; Lubos Kopecky; Zdenek Bittnar
Microscopic Bifurcation and Post-Bifurcation Behavior of Periodic Cellular Solids
Nobutada Ohno; Dai Okumura; Hirohisa Noguchi
Surface and Interface Magnetic Structures of Thin Films Studied by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
Toshiaki Ohta; Kenta Amemiya; Daiju Matsumura
Applications of Element Overlay Technique to the Problems of Particulate Composite Materials
Hiroshi Okada; Chi-Tsich Liu; Takashi Ninomiya; Yasuyoshi Fukui; Noriyoshi Kumazawa
Microscopic Bifurcation Analysis for Long-Wave in-plane Buckling of Elastic Square Honeycombs
Dai Okumura; Nobutada Ohno; Takeshi Niikawa
The Challenge of Modeling Multiple Scales: From DNA to Dislocations
Rob Phillips
Simulation of Edge Dislocation using Finite Element Method
N. Ramakrishnan
Designing Nanostructures for New Functional Materials
Bhakta B. Rath
Reactivity of Oxide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution
James Robert Rustad
From Vibrations to Diffusion in Amorphous Materials
Herbert R. Schober
Atomic-level Stress Calculation
Shengping Shen; Satya N. Atluri
Interfacial Conditions in Seamless Multiscale Simulations
Shengping Shen; Satya N. Atluri
Nanomechanics and Plasticity of Nanotubes and Nanowires
Deepak Srivastava
Alloy Nanostructure Evolution Via Surface Diffusion
Jerry Tersoff
Multiscale Modeling of Quantum Nanostructures using Integrated Greens Function and Molecular Dynamics
Vinod K. Tewary; David T. Read
Multiscale Modeling of Microstructure and Macrostructure Evolution during Sintering
Veena Tikare; Michael V. Braginsky; Jose G. Arguello
Computational Simulation of Mesoscopic Deformation Behavior of Semi-Crystalline Polymer
Makoto Uchida; Yoshihiro Tomita
Multimillion Atom Simulations of Nanosystems and Interfaces on Parallel Computers
Priya Vashishta; Rajiv K. Kalia; Aiichiro Nakano
Atomic-scale Study of Surface-based Nanostructures: Formation and Decay
E.G. Wang
Effective Properties of Composites Whose Reinforcement has Microstructure
John Whitcomb; Julian Varghese; Jae Noh
Hybrid Atomistic-Continuum Formulations for Small Scale Hydrodynamics
H. S. Wijesinghe; Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou
Molecular Dynamics / Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations on the Dislocation Behavior in Ni-Based Superalloys
Kisaragi Yashiro; Yasushi Tabata; Fumiharu Kurose; Yoshihiro Tomita; Hussein M Zbib
A Finite Element Analysis on the Residual Stresses in a Thin Film/Substrate System
N. Yu; M. A. Jing
A Micromechanics Model for the Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
N. Yu; Z. H. Zhang
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