Fluids Laboratory for Aeronautical and Industrial Research

Cited Journal publications


The H-index is 38The G-index is 61Total citations = 5238

  1. [183 citations; 3.96/year]  Hourigan, K. & Prentice, A. J. R. 1979 On the formation of planetesimals. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 3 (4), 389-390.    
  2. [182 citations; 6.24/year]  Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J. 1996 Three-dimensional instabilities in the wake of a circular cylinder. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 12 (2), 190-196.    
  3. [162 citations; 10.02/year]  Nesbitt, W.S., Westein, E., Lopez, F.J.T., Tolouei, E., Mitchell, A., Fu, J., Carberry, J., Fouras, A. & Jackson, S.P. 2009 A shear gradient-dependent platelet aggregation mechanism drives thrombus formation. Nature Medicine 15, 665-673.    
  4. [155 citations; 4.29/year]  Thompson, M.C. & Ferziger, J.H. 1989 An adaptive multigrid technique for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics 82 (1), 94-121.    
  5. [126 citations; 10.36/year]  Harbig, R.R., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M.C. 2013 Reynolds number and aspect ratio effects on the leading-edge vortex for rotating insect wing planforms. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, 166-192.    
  6. [105 citations; 4.34/year]  Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Williamson, C.H.K. 2001 The physical mechanism of transition In bluff body wakes. Journal of Fluids and Structures 15, 607-616.    
  7. [103 citations; 4.26/year]  Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Provansal, M. 2001 Kinematics and dynamics of sphere wake transition. Journal of Fluids and Structures 15, 575-586.    
  8. [102 citations; 5.32/year]  Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2006 The beginning of branching behaviour of vortex-induced vibration during two-dimensional flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 22 (6), 857-864.    
  9. [100 citations; 4.51/year]  Reichl, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 2003 The unsteady wake of a circular cylinder near a free surface. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 71, 347-359.    
  10. [97 citations; 4.38/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2003 From spheres to circular cylinders: The stability and flow structures of bluff ring wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 492, 147-180.    
  11. [95 citations; 8.51/year]  Bell, J.R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2014 Wind tunnel analysis of the slipstream and wake of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 134, 122-138.    
  12. [89 citations; 10.9/year]  Wang, S., Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Herbst, A. H., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 The performance of different turbulence models (URANS, SAS and DES) for predicting high-speed train slipstream. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 165, 46-57.    
  13. [87 citations; 4.54/year]  Leontini, J.S., Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2006 Wake state and energy transitions of an oscillating cylinder at low Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids 18 (6), 067101 (9 pages).    
  14. [86 citations; 3.56/year]  Hourigan, K, Thompson, M.C. & Tan, B.T. 2001 Self-sustained oscillations in flows around long flat plates. Journal of Fluids and Structures 15, 387-398.    
  15. [84 citations; 2.39/year]  Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W., Downie, R.J., Thompson, M.C. & Stokes, A.N. 1990 Acoustics and experimental methods: The influence of sound and heat transfer. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 3 (1), 138-152.    
  16. [83 citations; 4.57/year]  Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2007 Three-dimensional transition in the wake of a transversely oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 577, 79-104.    
  17. [79 citations; 7.77/year]  Sarvi, F., Jain, K., Arbatan, T., Verma, P. J., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M. C., Shen, W. & Chan, P. 2015 Cardiogenesis of embryonic stem cells with liquid marble micro-bioreactor. Advanced Healthcare Materials 4, 77-86.    
  18. [76 citations; 2.16/year]  Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C., Thompson, M.C. & Stokes, A.N. 1990 Aerodynamic sources of acoustic resonance in a duct with baffles. Journal of Fluids and Structures 4 (4), 345-370.    
  19. [74 citations; 3.67/year]  Ryan, K, Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Three-dimensional transition in the wake of bluff elongated cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 1-29.    
  20. [70 citations; 6.89/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2015 Moving model analysis of the slipstream and wake of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 136, 127-137.    
  21. [70 citations; 2.58/year]  Fouras, A. & Soria, J. 1998 Accuracy of out-of-plane vorticity measurements derived from in-plane velocity field data. Experiments in Fluids 25, 409-430.    
  22. [67 citations; 2.77/year]  Carberry, J., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell, D. 2001 Forces and wake modes of an oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 15 (3/4), 523-532.    
  23. [65 citations; 3.07/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 From spheres to circular cylinders: Non-axisymmetric transitions in the flow past rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 506, 45-78.    
  24. [63 citations; 5.64/year]  Thompson, M. C., Radi, A., Rao, A., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Low-Reynolds-number wakes of elliptical cylinders: from the circular cylinder to the normal flat plate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 570-600.    
  25. [58 citations; 8.09/year]  Wang, S., Burton, D., Herbst, A. H., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C 2018 The Effect of the ground condition on high-speed train slipstream. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 172, 230-243.    
  26. [58 citations; 4.77/year]  Rao, A., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2013 The flow past a circular cylinder translating at different heights above a wall. Journal of Fluids and Structures     
  27. [57 citations; 4.02/year]  Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J. 2011 Dynamics and heat transfer in a quasi-two-dimensional MHD flow past a circular cylinder in a duct at high Hartmann number. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (5), 1091-1100.    
  28. [55 citations; 5.41/year]  Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J. S., Thompson, M. C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2015 A review of rotating cylinder wake transitions. Journal of Fluids and Structures 53, 2–14.    
  29. [54 citations; 2.68/year]  Carberry, J., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell, D. 2005 Controlled oscillations of a cylinder: forces and wake modes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 31-69.    
  30. [48 citations; 6.7/year]  Wang, S., Burton, D., Herbst, A., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 The effect of bogies on high-speed train slipstream and wake. Journal of Fluids and Structures 83, 471-489.    
  31. [45 citations; 3.7/year]  Harbig, R. R., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Relationship between aerodynamic forces, flow structures and wing camber for rotating insect wing planforms. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 730, 52-75.    
  32. [42 citations; 1.49/year]  Sheridan, J., Lin, J.-C. & Rockwell, D. 1997 Flow past a cylinder close to a free surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 330, 1-30.    
  33. [41 citations; 1.1/year]  Stoneman, S.A.T., Hourigan, K., Stokes, A.N. & Welsh, M.C. 1988 Resonant sound caused by flow past two plates in tandem in a duct. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 192, 455-484.    
  34. [40 citations; 1.37/year]  Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 1996 Three-dimensional vortex structures in a cylinder wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 312, 201-222.    
  35. [40 citations; 1.11/year]  Ward, W.R. & Hourigan, K. 1989 Orbital migration of protoplanets: The inertial limit. Astrophysical Journal 347, 490-495.    
  36. [39 citations; 1.93/year]  Reichl, P., Hourigan K. & Thompson, M. C. 2005 Flow past a cylinder close to a free surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 533, 269-296.    
  37. [38 citations; 5.3/year]  Soti, A., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M. C. & Bhardwaj, R. 2018 Damping effects on vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder and implications for power extraction. Journal of Fluids and Structures 81, 291-308.    
  38. [38 citations; 2.21/year]  Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Target-free stereo PIV: A novel technique with inherent error estimation and improved accuracy. Experiments in Fluids 44 (2), 317-329.    
  39. [38 citations; 2.09/year]  Fouras, A., Dusting, J., Lewis, R. & Hourigan, K. 2007 Three-dimensional synchrotron x-ray particle image velocimetry. Journal of Applied Physics 102, 064916 (6 pages).    
  40. [38 citations; 1.98/year]  Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Cheung, A. & Leweke, T. 2006 Hydrodynamics of a particle impact on a wall. Applied Mathematical Modelling 30 (11), 1356-1369.    
  41. [38 citations; 0.92/year]  Hourigan, K. & Ward, W.R. 1984 Radial migration of preplanetary material: Inplications for the accretion timescale problem. Icarus 60, 29-39.  
  42. [35 citations; 2.16/year]  Sheard, G.J., Fitzgerald, M.J. & Ryan, K. 2009 Cylinders with square cross section: Wake instabilities with incidence angle variation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 43-69.    
  43. [34 citations; 2.1/year]  Siew, M.L., te Pas, A.B., Wallace, M.J., Kitchen, M.J., Lewis, R.A., Fouras, A., Morley, C.J., Davis, P.G., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K. & Hooper, S.B. 2009 Positive end expiratory pressure enhances development of a functional residual capacity in preterm rabbits ventilated from birth. Journal of Applied Physiology 106 (5), 1487-1493.    
  44. [33 citations; 1.92/year]  Kitchen, M.J., Lewis, R.A., Morgan, M.J., Siew, M.L.L., Siu, K.K.W., Habib, A., Fouras, A., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K. & Hooper, S.B. 2008 Dynamic measures of regional lung air volume using phase contrast x-ray imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology 53 (21), 6065-6077.    
  45. [33 citations; 1.49/year]  Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2003 The sensitivity of steady vortex breakdown bubbles in confined cylinder flows to rotating lid misalignment. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 496, 129-138.    
  46. [32 citations; 1.67/year]  Dusting, J., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2006 A fluid dynamics approach to bioreactor design for cell and tissue culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 94 (6), 1196-1208.    
  47. [32 citations; 1.03/year]  Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Soria, J. & Welsh, M.C. 1994 An experimental investigation of streamwise vortices in the wake of a bluff-body. Journal of Fluids and Structures 8 (6), 621-625.    
  48. [31 citations; 4.33/year]  Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Flow-induced vibration of D-section cylinders: an afterbody is not essential for vortex-induced vibration. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851, 317-343.    
  49. [30 citations; 1.57/year]  Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J. 2006 Wake transition of two-dimensional cylinders and axisymmetric bluff bodies. Journal of Fluids and Structures 22 (6), 793-806.    
  50. [28 citations; 1.73/year]  Fouras, A., Kitchen, M.J., Dubsky, S., Lewis, R.A., Hooper, S.B. & Hourigan, K. 2009 The past, present and future of X-ray technology for in vivo imaging of function and form. Journal of Applied Physics 105, 102009 (14 pages).    
  51. [27 citations; 1.67/year]  te Pas, A.B., Siew, M.L., Wallace, M.J., Kitchen, M.J., Fouras, A., Lewis, R.A., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K., Donath, S., Davis, P.G., Morley, C.J. & Hooper, S.B. 2009 Establishing functional residual capacity at birth: the effect of sustained inflation and positive end-expiratory pressure in a preterm rabbit model. Pediatric Research 65 (5), 537-541.    
  52. [27 citations; 1.49/year]  Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2007 Sphere-wall collisions: vortex dynamics and stability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 575, 121-148.    
  53. [27 citations; 1.28/year]  Schouveiler L., Brydon, A., Leweke, T. & Thompson, M.C. 2004 Interactions of the wakes of two spheres placed side by side. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 137-145.    
  54. [26 citations; 1.61/year]  Hooper, S.B., Kitchen, M.J., Siew, M.L., Lewis, R.A., Fouras, A., Pas, A., Siu, K.K.W., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K. & Wallace, M.J. 2009 Imaging lung aeration and lung liquid clearance at birth using phase contrast X-ray imaging. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 36 (1), 117-125.    
  55. [25 citations; 1.55/year]  te Pas, A. B., Siew, M. L., Wallace, M. J., Kitchen, M. J., Fouras, A., Lewis, R. A., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K., Donath, S., Davis, P. G., Morley, C.J. & Hooper, S. B. 2009 Effect of sustained inflation length on establishing functional residual capacity at birth in ventilated premature rabbits. Pediatric Research 66 (3), 295-300.    
  56. [25 citations; 1.46/year]  Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Steady inlet flow in stenotic geometries: convective and absolute instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 616, 111-133.    
  57. [25 citations; 1.46/year]  Irvine, S.C., Paganin, D.M., Dubsky, S., Lewis, R.A. & Fouras, A. 2008 Phase retrieval for improved three-dimensional velocimetry of dynamic X-ray blood speckle. Applied Physics Letters 93, 153901 (3 pages).    
  58. [25 citations; 1.24/year]  Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 2005 Computations of the drag coefficients for low-Reynolds-number flow past rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 526, 257-275.    
  59. [24 citations; 0.82/year]  Wu, J. & Thompson, M.C. 1996 Non-Newtonian shear thinning flows past a flat plate. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 66, 127-146.    
  60. [23 citations; 1.09/year]  Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Vortex dynamics associated with the collision of a sphere with a wall. Physics of Fluids 16 (9), L74-L77.    
  61. [23 citations; 0.76/year]  Hourigan, K., Graham. L.W. & Thompson, M.C. 1995 Spiral streaklines in pre-vortex breakdown regions of axisymmetric swirling flows. Physics of Fluids 7 (12), 3126-3128.    
  62. [23 citations; 0.74/year]  Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 1994 Longitudinal vortex structures in a cylinder wake. Physics of Fluids 6 (9), 2883-2885.    
  63. [22 citations; 0.73/year]  Williamson, C.H.K., Wu, J. & Sheridan, J. 1995 Scaling of streamwise vortices in wakes. Physics of Fluids 7 (10), 2307-2309.  
  64. [21 citations; 1.38/year]  Blackburn, H. M. & Sheard, G. J. 2010 On quasi-periodic and subharmonic Floquet wake instabilities. Physics of Fluids 22 (3), 031701 (4 pages).    
  65. [21 citations; 1.38/year]  Dubsky, S., Jamison, R.A., Irvine, S.C., Siu, K.K.W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2010 Computed tomographic x-ray velocimetry. Applied Physics Letters 96 (2), 023702 (3 pages).    
  66. [21 citations; 1.3/year]  Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Nguyen, C.V. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Volumetric correlation PIV: a new technique for 3D velocity vector field measurement. Experiments in Fluids 47 (4), 569-577.    
  67. [21 citations; 1.22/year]  Parsons, D.W., Morgan, K., Donnelley, M., Fouras, A., Crosbie, J., Williams, I., Boucher, R.C., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N. & Siu, K.K.W. 2008 High resolution visualization of airspace structures in intact mice via synchrotron phase contrast X-ray imaging (PCXI). Journal of Anatomy 213, 217-227.    
  68. [21 citations; 0.99/year]  Simon, H.A., Leo, H.L., Carberry, J. & Yoganathan, A.P. 2004 Comparison of the hinge flow fields of two bileaflet mechanical heart valves under aortic and mitral conditions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 32 (12), 1607-1617.  
  69. [21 citations; 0.95/year]  Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2003 Particle image velocimetry and visualization of natural and forced flow around rectangular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 478, 299-323.    
  70. [20 citations; 3.24/year]  Bhat, S. S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Uncoupling the effects of aspect ratio, Reynolds number and Rossby number on a rotating insect-wing planform. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 859, 921-948.    
  71. [20 citations; 1.64/year]  Rao, A., Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Three-dimensionality in the wake of a rotating cylinder in a uniform flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, 1-29.    
  72. [20 citations; 1.1/year]  Fouras, A., Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K. 2007 A simple calibration technique for stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids 42 (5), 799-810.    
  73. [20 citations; 1.04/year]  Leo, H.L., Dasi, L.P., Carberry, J., Simon, H.A. & Yoganathan, A.P. 2006 Fluid dynamic assessment of three polymeric heart valves using particle image velocimetry. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34 (6), 936-952.    
  74. [20 citations; 0.69/year]  Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Soria, J. 1996 Shear layer vortices and longitudinal vortices in the near wake of a circular cylinder. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 12 (2), 169-174.    
  75. [19 citations; 1.05/year]  Sheard, G. J., Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2007 Flow around an impulsively arrested circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 19 (8), 083601 (14 pages).    
  76. [19 citations; 0.86/year]  Carberry, J., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell, D. 2003 Controlled oscillations of a cylinder: A new wake state. Journal of Fluids and Structures 17, 337-343.    
  77. [18 citations; 1.11/year]  Siew, M. L., Wallace, M. J., Kitchen, M. J., Lewis, R. A., Fouras, A., te Pas, A. B., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K., Siu, K. K. W. & Hooper, S. B. 2009 Inspiration regulates the rate and temporal pattern of lung liquid clearance and lung aeration at birth. Journal of Applied Physiology 106 (6), 1888-1895.    
  78. [18 citations; 0.94/year]  Elston, J.R., Blackburn, H.M. & Sheridan, J. 2006 The primary and secondary instabilities of flow generated by an oscillating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 550, 359-389.    
  79. [17 citations; 2.76/year]  Wang, S. Avadiar, T., Thompson, M. C. & Burton, D. 2019 Effect of moving ground on the aerodynamics of a generic automotive model: the DrivAer-Estate. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 195, 104000 (18 pages).    
  80. [17 citations; 0.94/year]  Lacaze, L., Ryan, K. & Le Dizès, S. 2007 Elliptic instability in a strained Batchelor vortex. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 577, 341-361.    
  81. [17 citations; 0.84/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Leweke, T. 2005 The evolution of a subharmonic mode in a vortex street. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 534, 23-38.    
  82. [17 citations; 0.8/year]  Mununga, L., Hourigan, Thompson, M.C. & Leweke, T. 2004 Confined flow vortex breakdown control using a small disk. Physics of Fluids 16 (12), 4750-4753.    
  83. [16 citations; 0.51/year]  Wu, J., Welch, L.W., Welsh, M.C., Sheridan, J. & Walker, G.J. 1994 Spanwise wake structures of a circular-cylinder and 2 circular-cylinders in tandem. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 9 (3), 299-308.  
  84. [15 citations; 2.43/year]  Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Aspect ratio studies on insect wings. Physics of Fluids 31 (12), 121301 (18 pages).    
  85. [15 citations; 0.74/year]  Leo, H. L., Simon, H., Carberry, J., Lee, S. C. & Yoganathan, A. P. 2005 A comparison of flow field structures of two tri-leaflet polymeric heart valves . Annals of Biomedical Engineering 33 (4), 429-443.    
  86. [15 citations; 0.5/year]  Chyu, C., Lin, J.-C., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell, D. 1995 Karman vortex formation from a cylinder: Role of phase-locked Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices. Physics of Fluids 7 (9), 2288-2290.    
  87. [14 citations; 1.15/year]  Leontini, J. S., Lo Jacono, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Wake states and frequency selection of a streamwise oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 730, 162-192.    
  88. [14 citations; 1.15/year]  Rao, A., Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Three-dimensionality in the wake of a rapidly rotating cylinder in uniform flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 730, 379-391.    
  89. [14 citations; 0.66/year]  Carberry, J., Govardhan, R., Sheridan, J., Rockwell, D. & Williamson, C.H.K. 2004 Wake states and response branches of forced and freely oscillating cylinders. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 89-97.    
  90. [13 citations; 0.99/year]  Fouras, A., Allison, B.J., Kitchen, M.J., Dubsky, S., Nguyen, J.T., Hourigan, K., Siu, K.K.W., Lewis, R.A., Wallace, M.J. & Hooper, S.B. 2012 Altered lung motion is a sensitive indicator of regional lung disease. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 40 (5), 1160-1169.    
  91. [13 citations; 0.76/year]  Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Sheard, G.J. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Measurement of instantaneous velocity and surface topography in the wake of a cylinder at low Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (8), 1271-1277.    
  92. [13 citations; 0.64/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 The subharmonic mechanism of the Mode C instability. Physics of Fluids 17 (11), 111702 (4 pages).    
  93. [13 citations; 0.64/year]  Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Evaluating fluid forces on bluff bodies using partial velocity data. Journal of Fluids and Structures 20 (1), 5-24.    
  94. [13 citations; 0.59/year]  Rigopoulos, J., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M.C. 2003 State selection in Taylor-vortex flow reached with an accelerated inner cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 489, 79-99.    
  95. [12 citations; 1.07/year]  Harbig, R. R., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2014 The role of advance ratio and aspect ratio in determining leading-edge vortex stability for flapping flight. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 751, 71-105.    
  96. [12 citations; 0.99/year]  Leontini, J. S. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Vortex-induced vibrations of a diamond cross-section: Sensitivity to corner shapes. Journal of Fluids and Structures 39, 371-390.    
  97. [12 citations; 0.85/year]  Jamison, R.A., Dubsky, S., Siu, K.K.W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2011 X-ray velocimetry and haemodynamic forces within a stenosed femoral model at physiological flow rates. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 (6), 1643-1653.    
  98. [12 citations; 0.85/year]  Ma, M.D., Shen, L.M., Sheridan, J., Liu, J.Z., Chen, C.O. & Zheng, Q.S. 2011 Friction of water slipping in carbon nanotubes. Physical Review E 83 (3), 036316.    
  99. [12 citations; 0.85/year]  Sheard, G.J. 2011 Wake stability features behind a square cylinder: Focus on small incidence angles. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (5-6), 734-742.    
  100. [12 citations; 0.79/year]  Kitchen, M.J., Habib, A., Fouras, A., Dubsky, S., Lewis, R.A., Wallace, M.J. & Hooper, S.B. 2010 A new design for high stability pressure-controlled ventilation for small animal lung imaging. Journal of Instrumentation 5, T02002 (11 pages).    
  101. [12 citations; 0.63/year]  Fouras, A., Hourigan, K., Kawahashi, M. & Hirahara, H. 2006 An improved, free surface, topographic technique. Journal of Visualization 9 (1), 49-56.  
  102. [11 citations; 1.78/year]  Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 An experimental investigation of flow-induced vibration of high-side-ratio rectangular cylinders. Journal of Fluids and Structures (Published online) 12 pages.    
  103. [11 citations; 0.61/year]  Griffith, M.D., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Anderson, W.P. 2007 Wake behaviour and instability of flow through a partially blocked channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 582, 319-340.    
  104. [11 citations; 0.46/year]  Le Gal, P., Nadim, A. & Thompson, M. C. 2001 Hysteresis in the forced Stuart-Landau equation: Application to vortex shedding from an oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 15, 445-457.    
  105. [11 citations; 0.42/year]  Blackburn, H. M., Elston, J. R. & Sheridan, J. 1999 Bluff-body propulsion produced by combined rotary and translational oscillation. Physics of Fluids 11 (1), 4-6.    
  106. [11 citations; 0.33/year]  Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C. & Brocher, E. 1992 Acoustic sources in a tripped flow past a resonator tube. AIAA Journal 30 (6), 1484-1491.    
  107. [10 citations; 1.94/year]  Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Effects of flapping motion profiles on insect-wing aerodynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 884, A8.    
  108. [10 citations; 1.94/year]  Terrington, S. J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 The generation and conservation of vorticity: deforming interfaces and boundaries in two-dimensional flows . Journal of Fluid Mechanics 890, A5 (43 pages).    
  109. [10 citations; 1.62/year]  Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Dynamic response of elliptical cylinders undergoing transverse flow-induced vibration. Journal of Fluids and Structures 89, 123-131.    
  110. [10 citations; 0.82/year]  Sarvi, F., Yue, Z., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M. C. & Chan, P. P. Y. 2013 Surface-functionalization of PDMS for potential micro-bioreactor and embryonic stem cell culture applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1 (7), 987-996.    
  111. [10 citations; 0.66/year]  Irvine, S.C., Paganin, D.M., Jamison, R.A., Dubsky, S. & Fouras, A. 2010 Vector tomographic X-ray phase contrast velocimetry utilizing dynamic blood speckle. Optics Express 18 (3), 2368-2379.    
  112. [10 citations; 0.62/year]  Fouras, A., Dusting, J., Sheridan, J., Kawahashi, M., Hirahara, H. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Engineering imaging - Using particle image velocimetry to see physiology in a new light. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 36 (2), 238-247.    
  113. [10 citations; 0.62/year]  Sheard, G.J. 2009 Flow dynamics and wall shear stress variation in a fusiform aneurysm. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 64 (4), 379-390.    
  114. [10 citations; 0.58/year]  Lo Jacono, D., Sorensen, J.N., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Control of vortex breakdown in a closed cylinder with a small rotating rod. Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (8), 1278-1283.    
  115. [10 citations; 0.55/year]  Carberry, J. & Sheridan, J. 2007 Wake states of a tethered cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 1-21.    
  116. [10 citations; 0.55/year]  Thouas, G.A., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2007 A bioreactor model of mouse tumor progression. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2007, 32754 (9 pages).    
  117. [10 citations; 0.47/year]  Ryan, K., Pregnalato, C.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Flow-induced vibrations of a tethered circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 19, 1085-1102.    
  118. [10 citations; 0.37/year]  Sheridan, J., Carberry, J., Lin, J.C. & Rockwell, D. 1998 On the near-wake topology of an oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 12 (2), 215-220.    
  119. [9 citations; 0.81/year]  Crouch, T. N., Burton, D., Brown, N. A. T., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2014 Flow topology in the wake of a cyclist and its effect on aerodynamic drag. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748, 5-35.    
  120. [9 citations; 0.81/year]  Parkin, D. J., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2014 Numerical analysis of bluff body wakes under periodic open-loop control. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 739, 94-123.    
  121. [9 citations; 0.74/year]  Radi, A., Thompson, M.C., Rao, A., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J. 2013 Experimental evidence of new three-dimensional modes in the wake of a rotating cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 734, 567-594.    
  122. [9 citations; 0.74/year]  Rao, A., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Dynamics and stability of the wake behind tandem cylinders sliding along a wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 722, 291-316.    
  123. [9 citations; 0.64/year]  Siew, M. L., te Pas, A. B., Wallace, M. J., Kitchen, M. J., Islam, M., Lewis, R. A., Fouras, A., Morley, C.J., Davis, P. G., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K. & Hooper, S. B. 2011 Surfactant increases the uniformity of lung aeration at birth in ventilated preterm rabbits. Pediatric Research 70 (1), 50-55.    
  124. [9 citations; 0.59/year]  Nguyen, C. V., Fouras, A. & Carberry, J. 2010 Improvement of measurement accuracy in micro PIV by image overlapping. Experiments in Fluids 49 (3), 701-712.    
  125. [9 citations; 0.56/year]  Nazarinia, M., Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M.C. & Sheridan, J. 2009 The three-dimensional wake of a cylinder undergoing a combination of translational and rotational oscillation in a quiescent fluid. Physics of Fluids 21 (6), 064101 (7 pages).    
  126. [9 citations; 0.5/year]  Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K. 2007 Pressure-driven flow past spheres moving in a circular tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 233-262.    
  127. [9 citations; 0.43/year]  Johnson, S.A., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Predicted low frequency structures in the wake of elliptical cylinders. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 229-239.    
  128. [9 citations; 0.43/year]  Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Flow past rectangular cylinders: receptivity to transverse forcing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 515, 33-62.    
  129. [9 citations; 0.41/year]  Tan, B. T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2003 Sources of acoustic resonance generated by flow around long rectangular plates in a duct. Journal of Fluids and Structures 18 (6), 729-740.    
  130. [9 citations; 0.26/year]  Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W., Thompson, M.C., Cooper, P.I. & Welsh, M.C. 1991 Augmented forced convection heat transfer in separated flow around a blunt flat plate. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 4, 182-191.    
  131. [8 citations; 1.55/year]  Kundu, A., Soti, A. K., Garg, H., Bhardwaj, R. and Thompson, M. C. 2020 Computational modeling and analysis of flow-induced vibration of an elastic splitter plate using a sharp-interface immersed boundary method. SN Applied Sciences 2 (6), 1110 (23 pages).    
  132. [8 citations; 1.55/year]  Wang, Z., Du, L., Zhao, J., Thompson, M. C. & Sun, X. 2020 Flow-induced vibrations of a pitching and plunging airfoil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 885, A36 (34 pages).    
  133. [8 citations; 0.98/year]  Wong, K. W., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2017 Experimental investigation of flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 829, 486-511.    
  134. [8 citations; 0.66/year]  Lee, H., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 2013 Vortex-induced vibration of a neutrally buoyant tethered sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 719, 97-128.    
  135. [8 citations; 0.53/year]  Cebron, D., Le Bars, M., Leontini, J., Maubert, P. & Le Gal, P. 2010 A systematic numerical study of the tidal instability in a rotating triaxial ellipsoid. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 182, 119-128.    
  136. [8 citations; 0.53/year]  Lo Jacono, D., Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Sheridan, J. 2010 Modification of three-dimensional transition in the wake of a rotationally oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 643, 349-362.    
  137. [8 citations; 0.53/year]  Neild, A., Ng, T.W., Sheard, G.J., Powers, M. & Oberti, S. 2010 Swirl mixing at microfluidic junctions due to low frequency side channel fluidic perturbations. Sensors and Actuators B 150 (2), 811-818.    
  138. [8 citations; 0.49/year]  Donnelley, M., Morgan, K.S., Fouras, A., Skinner, W., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Siu, K.K.W. & Parsons, D. 2009 Real-time non-invasive detection of inhalable particulates delivered into live mouse airways. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 296 (5), F1023-F1031.    
  139. [8 citations; 0.47/year]  Khor, M., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Global frequency selection in the observed time-mean wakes of circular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 601, 425-441.    
  140. [8 citations; 0.4/year]  Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Wake of forced flow around elliptical leading edge plates. Journal of Fluids and Structures 20 (2), 157-176.    
  141. [8 citations; 0.38/year]  Thompson, M.C. & Le Gal, P. 2004 The Stuart-Landau model applied to wake transition revisited. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 219-228.    
  142. [8 citations; 0.35/year]  Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2002 Response of base suction and vortex shedding from rectangular prisms to transverse forcing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 461, 25-49.    
  143. [8 citations; 0.22/year]  Close, D.J. & Sheridan, J. 1989 Natural-convection in enclosures filled with a vapor and a non-condensing gas. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 32 (5), 855-862.  
  144. [7 citations; 1.35/year]  Rajamuni, Methma M., Thompson, Mark C. & Hourigan, K. 2020 Vortex dynamics and vibration modes of a tethered sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 885, A10 (43 pages).    
  145. [7 citations; 0.53/year]  Dubsky, S., Hooper, S.B., Siu, K.K.W. & Fouras, A. 2012 Synchrotron-based dynamic computed tomography of tissue motion for regional lung function measurement. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (74), 2213–2224.    
  146. [7 citations; 0.53/year]  Dubsky, S., Jamison, R. A., Higgins, S. P. A., Siu, K. K. W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2012 Computed tomographic X-ray velocimetry for simultaneous 3D measurement of velocity and geometry in opaque vessels. Experiments in Fluids 52 (3), 543-554.    
  147. [7 citations; 0.49/year]  Beltran, M.A., Paganin, D.M., Siu, K.K.W., Fouras, A., Hooper, S.B., Reser, D.H. & Kitchen, M.J. 2011 Interface-specific x-ray phase retrieval tomography of complex biological organs. Physics in Medicine and Biology 56 (23), 7353-7369.    
  148. [7 citations; 0.46/year]  Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2010 A numerical study of global frequency selection in the time-mean wake of a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 645, 435-446.    
  149. [7 citations; 0.46/year]  Sherry, M., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2010 An experimental investigation of the recirculation zone formed downstream of a forward facing step. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 98 (12), 888-894.    
  150. [7 citations; 0.46/year]  Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2010 Numerical and experimental studies of the rolling sphere wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 643, 137-162.    
  151. [7 citations; 0.43/year]  Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Pulsatile flow in stenotic geometries: flow behaviour and stability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 622, 291-320.    
  152. [7 citations; 0.43/year]  Nazarinia, M., Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M.C. & Sheridan, J. 2009 Flow behind a cylinder forced by a combination of oscillatory translational and rotational motions. Physics of Fluids 21 (5), 051701 (4 pages).    
  153. [7 citations; 0.39/year]  Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2007 The effect of mass ratio and tether length on the flow around a tethered cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 591, 117-144.    
  154. [7 citations; 0.37/year]  Khalil, S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 2006 Response of unconfined vortex breakdown to axial pulsing. Physics of Fluids 18 (3), 038102 (4 pages).    
  155. [7 citations; 0.37/year]  Leontini, J.S., Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2006 Predicting vortex-induced vibration from driven oscillation results. Applied Mathematical Modelling 30, 1096-1102.    
  156. [7 citations; 0.35/year]  Ryan, K, Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Variation in the critical mass ratio of a freely oscillating cylinder as a function of Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids 17 (3), 038106 (4 pages).    
  157. [7 citations; 0.33/year]  Elston, J.R., Sheridan, J. & Blackburn, H.M. 2004 Two-dimensional Floquet stability analysis of the flow produced by an oscillating circular cylinder in quiescent fluid. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 99-106.    
  158. [7 citations; 0.22/year]  Downie, R.J., Thompson, M.C. & Wallis, R.A. 1993 An engineering approach to blade designs for low to medium pressure rise rotor-only axial fans. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 6 (4), 376-401.    
  159. [6 citations; 1.44/year]  Burton, D., Wang, S., Tudball Smith, D., Scott, H. N., Crouch, T. N., Thompson, M. C. 2021 The influence of background turbulence on Ahmed-body wake bistability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids) 926, R1 (15 pages).    
  160. [6 citations; 1.44/year]  Terrington, S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2021 The generation and diffusion of vorticity in three-dimensional flows: Lyman’s flux. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A106 (42 pages).    
  161. [6 citations; 1.16/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 The boundary-layer characteristics and unsteady flow topology of full-scale operational inter-modal freight trains. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 201, 104164 (21 pages).    
  162. [6 citations; 1.16/year]  Dhahad, H. A., Al-Sumaily, G. F., Alawee, W. H. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Aiding and Opposing Re-circulating Mixed Convection Flows in a Square Vented Enclosure. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 19, 100577.    
  163. [6 citations; 1.16/year]  Mishra, R., Soti, A., Bhardwaj, R., Kulkarni, S. S., & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Transverse vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder on a viscoelastic support at low Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures 95, 102997 (25 pages).    
  164. [6 citations; 1.16/year]  Wang, S., Burton, D., Herbst, A. H.. Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 The impact of rails on high-speed train slipstream and wake. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 198, 104114 (12 pages).    
  165. [6 citations; 0.59/year]  Venning, J. A., Lo Jacono, D., Burton, D. Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2015 The effect of aspect ratio on the wake of the Ahmed body. Experiments in Fluids 56 (6).    
  166. [6 citations; 0.49/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Forced convection from a circular cylinder in pulsating flow with and without the presence of porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61, 226-244.    
  167. [6 citations; 0.49/year]  Radi, A., Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2013 From the circular cylinder to the flat plate wake: The variation of Strouhal number with Reynolds number for elliptical cylinders. Physics of Fluids 25 (10), 101706.    
  168. [6 citations; 0.4/year]  Griffith, M.D., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2010 Convective instability in steady stenotic flow: optimal transient growth and experimental observation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 655, 504-514.    
  169. [6 citations; 0.4/year]  Zheng, Q.S., Lv, C.J., Hao, P.F. & Sheridan, J. 2010 Small is beautiful, and dry. Science China - Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 53 (12), 2245-2259.    
  170. [6 citations; 0.27/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2003 A coupled Landau model describing the Strouhal-Reynolds number profile of the three-dimensional wake of a circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 15 (9), L68-L71.    
  171. [6 citations; 0.19/year]  Hourigan, K., Mills, R., Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J., Dilin, P. & Welsh, M.C. 1993 Base-pressure coefficients for flows around rectangular plates. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 49 (1-3), 311-318.    
  172. [5 citations; 1.2/year]  Gupta, S., Thekkethil, N., Agrawal, A., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M. C. & Sharma, A. 2021 Body-caudal fin fish-inspired self-propulsion study on burst-and-coast and continuous swimming of a hydrofoil model. Physics of Fluids 33, 091905 (17 pages).    
  173. [5 citations; 1.2/year]  Mishra, R., Bhardwaj, R., Kulkarni, S.S. & Thompson, M. C. 2021 Vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder on a nonlinear viscoelastic support. Journal of Fluids and Structures 100, 103196 (22 pages).    
  174. [5 citations; 0.97/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Dhahad, H. A., Hussen, H. M. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Influence of thermal buoyancy on vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder in parallel flow. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 156, 106434.    
  175. [5 citations; 0.97/year]  Chi, S., Pitman, J., Crouch T., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 The application of body scanning, numerical simulations and wind tunnel testing for the aerodynamic development of cyclists. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology (15 pages).    
  176. [5 citations; 0.97/year]  Dehtyriov, D., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Direct numerical simulation of a counter-rotating vortex pair interacting with a wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 884, A36 (41 pages).    
  177. [5 citations; 0.97/year]  McQueen, T., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Feedback control of flow-induced vibration of a sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 889, A36 (32 pages).    
  178. [5 citations; 0.49/year]  Barry, N., Burton, D., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M. C. & Brown, N. A. T. 2015 Aerodynamic drag interactions between cyclists in a team pursuit. Sports Engineering 18 (2), 93-103.    
  179. [5 citations; 0.45/year]  Brons, M., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan K. 2014 Vorticity generation and conservation for two-dimensional interfaces and boundaries. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 758, 63-93.    
  180. [5 citations; 0.38/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F ., Nakayama, A., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2012 The effect of porous media particle size on forced convection from a circular cylinder without assuming local thermal equilibrium between phases. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (13-14), 3366-3378.    
  181. [5 citations; 0.38/year]  Samarage, C. R., Carberry, J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2012 Optimisation of temporal averaging processes in PIV. Experiments in Fluids 52 (3), 617-631.    
  182. [5 citations; 0.35/year]  Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2011 Experimental study of simultaneous measurement of velocity and surface topography: In the wake of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number. Experiments in Fluids 50 (3), 587-595.    
  183. [5 citations; 0.33/year]  Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2010 The wake behind a cylinder rolling on a wall at varying rotation rates. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 648, 225-256.    
  184. [5 citations; 0.29/year]  Cao, Y.H., Zhang, Q. & Sheridan, J. 2008 Numerical simulation of rime ice accretions on an aerofoil using an Eulerian method. Aeronautical Journal 112 (1131), 243-249.  
  185. [5 citations; 0.29/year]  Frakes, D.H., Pekkan, K., Dasi, L.P., Kitajima, H.D., de Zelicourt, D., Leo, H.L., Carberry, J., Sundareswaran, K., Simon, H. & Yoganathan, A.P. 2008 Modified control grid interpolation for the volumetric reconstruction of fluid flows. Experiments in Fluids 45 (6), 987-997.    
  186. [5 citations; 0.28/year]  Buchanan, A., Macartney, R., Thompson, M.C., Brocher, E. & Hourigan, K. 2007 Hydraulic analogy study of supersonic rectangular jet screech control with cylinders. AIAA Journal 45 (7), 1539-1545.    
  187. [5 citations; 0.26/year]  Stewart, B.E., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Leweke, T. 2006 Flow dynamics and forces associated with a cylinder rolling along a wall. Physics of Fluids 18 (11), 111701 (4 pages).    
  188. [5 citations; 0.25/year]  Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 The shear layer instability of a circular cylinder wake. Physics of Fluids 17 (2), 021702 (4 pages).    
  189. [5 citations; 0.2/year]  Sorensen, D.N., Thompson, M.C. & Sorensen, J.N. 2000 Toward improved rotor-only axial fans - Part II: Design optimization for maximum efficiency. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 122 (2), 324-329.    
  190. [5 citations; 0.19/year]  Joshi, S.C., Liu, X.L., Lam, Y.C. & Sheridan, J. 1999 Simulation of resin film infusion process using finite element/nodal control volume approach. Advanced Composites Letters 8 (3), 101-104.  
  191. [5 citations; 0.17/year]  Lin, J.-C. Sheridan, J. & Rockwell D. 1996 Near-wake of a perturbed, horizontal cylinder at a free-surface. Physics of Fluids 8 (8), 2107-2116.    
  192. [5 citations; 0.17/year]  Sheridan, J., Lin, J.-C. & Rockwell, D. 1995 Metastable states of a cylinder wake adjacent to a free surface. Physics of Fluids 7 (9), 2099-2101.    
  193. [4 citations; 0.96/year]  Thompson, M. C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2021 Bluff Bodies and Wake–Wall Interactions. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 53, 347-376.    
  194. [4 citations; 0.28/year]  Sheard, G.J. & King, M.P. 2011 Horizontal convection: Effect of aspect ratio on Rayleigh-number scaling and stability. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 1647-1655.    
  195. [4 citations; 0.28/year]  Tolouei, E., Butler, C.J., Fouras, A., Ryan, K., Sheard, G.J. & Carberry, J. 2011 Effect of hemodynamic forces on platelet aggregation geometry. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 (5), 1403-1413.    
  196. [4 citations; 0.25/year]  Brons, M., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Dye visualization near a 3D stagnation point: Application to the vortex breakdown bubble. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 622, 177-194.    
  197. [4 citations; 0.22/year]  Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M., Khan, M.U., Hourigan, K. 2007 Experimental investigation of fluid dynamic instability in a transonic cavity flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 31 (4), 333-347.    
  198. [4 citations; 0.21/year]  Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2006 Instability of the flow around an impacting sphere. Journal of Fluids and Structures 22 (6), 961-971.    
  199. [4 citations; 0.19/year]  Sheard, G.J. Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Asymmetric structure and non-linear transition behaviour of the wakes of toroidal bodies. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 167-179.    
  200. [4 citations; 0.14/year]  Hourigan, K., Rudman, M. & Brocher E. 1996 The feedback loop in impinging two-dimensional high-subsonic and supersonic jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 12 (2), 265-270.    
  201. [4 citations; 0.12/year]  Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Brocher, E. & Andrianantoandro, A. 1993 Coupling of vortex shedding with the fundamental resonant mode of a resonator tube. Noise Control Engineering Journal 41 (2), 331-337.    
  202. [3 citations; 0.72/year]  Quazi, A., Crouch, T., Bell, J., McGreevy, T., Thompson, M. C. & Burton, D. 2021 A field study on the aerodynamics of freight trains. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 209, 104463 (16 pages).    
  203. [3 citations; 0.58/year]  Rajamuni, M. M., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2020 Efficient FSI solvers for multiple-degrees-of-freedom flow-induced vibration of a rigid body. Computers and Fluids 196, 104340 (15 pages).    
  204. [3 citations; 0.49/year]  Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K., & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Flow-induced vibration of a cube orientated at different incidence angles. Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102701 (19 pages).    
  205. [3 citations; 0.42/year]  Wong, K. W. L., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2018 Experimental investigation of flow-induced vibration of a sinusoidal rotating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 430-466.    
  206. [3 citations; 0.3/year]  Barry, N., Burton, D., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M. C. & Brown, N. A. T. 2015 Aerodynamic performance and riding posture in road cycling and triathlon. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 229 (1), 28-38.    
  207. [3 citations; 0.3/year]  Jones, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 2015 A study of the geometry and parameter dependence of vortex breakdown. Physics of Fluids 27, 044102 (13 pages).    
  208. [3 citations; 0.3/year]  Parkin, D., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2015 Numerical analysis of periodic open-loop flow control on bluff bodies in ground proximity. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 145, 339-350.    
  209. [3 citations; 0.3/year]  Rao, A., Thompson, M. C., Leweke,T. & Hourigan, K. 2015 Flow past a rotating cylinder translating at different gap heights along a wall. Journal of Fluids and Structures 57, 314 - 330.    
  210. [3 citations; 0.27/year]  Griffith, M. D., Crouch, T., Thompson, M. C., Burton, D., Sheridan, J. & Brown, N. A. T. 2014 Computational fluid dynamics study of the effect of leg position on cyclist aerodynamic drag. Journal of Fluids Engineering 136 (10), 101105 (9 pages).    
  211. [3 citations; 0.23/year]  Al-Sumaily, G.F., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M.C. 2012 Analysis of forced convection heat transfer from a circular cylinder embedded in a porous medium. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 51, 121-131.    
  212. [3 citations; 0.23/year]  Jamison, R.A., Fouras, A. & Bryson-Richardson, R.J. 2012 Cardiac-phase filtering in intracardiac particle image velocimetry. Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (3), 036007.    
  213. [3 citations; 0.23/year]  Nguyen, C. V., Carberry, J. & Fouras, A. 2012 Volumetric-correlation PIV to measure particle concentration and velocity of microflows. Experiments in Fluids 52 (3), 663-677.    
  214. [3 citations; 0.21/year]  Cogan, S.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J. 2011 Symmetry breaking and instability mechanisms in medium depth torsionally driven open cylinder flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 672, 521-544.    
  215. [3 citations; 0.21/year]  Curtis, M.D., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A. 2011 Feedback control system simulator for the control of biological cells in microfluidic cross slots and integrated microfluidic systems. Lab on a Chip 11 (14), 2343-2351.    
  216. [3 citations; 0.21/year]  Rao, A., Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2011 Flows past rotating cylinders next to a wall. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (5-6), 668-679.    
  217. [3 citations; 0.21/year]  Xiong, W., Liu, J.Z., Ma, M., Xu, Z.P., Sheridan, J. & Zheng, Q.S. 2011 Strain engineering water transport in graphene nanochannels. Physical Review E 84 (5), 056329.    
  218. [3 citations; 0.2/year]  Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2010 Surface topography of jet shock cells in a hydraulic analogy. Journal of Visualization 13 (3), 175-176.    
  219. [3 citations; 0.19/year]  Tan, B.T., Liow, K.Y.S., Mununga, L., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Simulation of the control of vortex breakdown in a closed cylinder using a small rotating disk. Physics of Fluids 21 (2), 024104 (8 pages).    
  220. [3 citations; 0.17/year]  Ng, T.W., Cheong, T.L. & Sheridan, J. 2007 Digital readout manometer using an optical mouse. European Journal of Physics 28, N11-N16.    
  221. [3 citations; 0.1/year]  Lin, J.-C. Phetkong, N., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell D. 1996 Controlled motion of a cylinder through a free surface: Effect of depth of penetration. Journal of Fluids and Structures 10 (4), 309-317.    
  222. [2 citations; 0.63/year]  McQueen, T., Burton, D., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 Active control of flow over a backward-facing step at high Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 93, 108891 (14 pages).    
  223. [2 citations; 0.48/year]  Gupta, S., Sharma, A., Agrawal, A., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2021 Hydrodynamics of a fish-like body undulation mechanism: Scaling laws and regimes for vortex wake modes. Physics of Fluids 33, 101904 (17 pages).    
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  225. [2 citations; 0.48/year]  Wang, Z., Du, L., Zhao, J., Thompson, M. C. & Sun, X. 2021 Pivot location and mass ratio effects on flow-induced vibration of a fully passive flapping foil. Journal of Fluids and Structures 100, 103170 (18 pages).    
  226. [2 citations; 0.39/year]  Dhahad, H. A., Al-Sumaily, G. F. Habeeb, L. & Thompson, M.C. 2020 The Cooling Performance of Mixed Convection in a Ventilated Enclosure With Different Ports Configurations. Journal of Heat Transfer 142, 122601.    
  227. [2 citations; 0.39/year]  Houdroge, F. Y., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Wake dynamics and flow-induced vibration of a freely rolling cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 903, A48 (33 pages).    
  228. [2 citations; 0.39/year]  Maleki, S., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C., 2020 On the flow past and forces on double-stacked wagons within a freight train under cross-wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 206, 104224 (17 pages).    
  229. [2 citations; 0.24/year]  Maleki, S., Burton, D. & Thompson , M. C. 2017 Assessment of various turbulence models (ELES, SAS, URANS and RANS) for predicting the erodynamics of freight train container wagons. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 170, 68-80.    
  230. [2 citations; 0.2/year]  Corallo, M., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2015 Effect of aspect ratio on the near-wake flow structure of an Ahmed body. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 147, 95-103.    
  231. [2 citations; 0.2/year]  Leontini, J.S., Lo Jacono, D. & Thompson, M.C. 2015 Stability analysis of the elliptic cylinder wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 763, 302-321.    
  232. [2 citations; 0.2/year]  Pierce, R. S., Falzon, B. G., Thompson, M. C. & Boman, R. 2015 A low-cost digital image correlation technique for characterising the shear deformation of fabrics for draping studies. Strain 51 (3), 80-89.    
  233. [2 citations; 0.18/year]  Mununga, L., Lo Jacono, D., Sorensen, J. N., Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Control of confined vortex breakdown with partial rotating lids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 738, 5-33.    
  234. [2 citations; 0.16/year]  Burka, P., Liu, X., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2013 Modelling of adhesive bonding for aircraft structures applying the insertion squeeze flow method. Composites Part B-Engineering 50, 247-252.    
  235. [2 citations; 0.16/year]  Griffith, M. D., Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Effect of small asymmetries on axisymmetric stenotic flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 721, R1.    
  236. [2 citations; 0.15/year]  Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J. 2012 Optimal transient disturbances behind a circular cylinder in a quasi two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. Physics of Fluids 24 (2), 024150.    
  237. [2 citations; 0.15/year]  Jamison, R.A., Armitage, J.A., Carberry, J., Kitchen, M.J., Hooper, S.B. & Fouras, A. 2012 Functional imaging to understand biomechanics: A critical tool for the study of biology, pathology and the development of pharmacological solutions. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 13 (11), 2128-2140.    
  238. [2 citations; 0.15/year]  Ryan, K., Butler, C. J. & Sheard, G. J. 2012 Stability characteristics of a counter-rotating unequal strength Batchelor vortex pair. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 696, 374-401.    
  239. [2 citations; 0.14/year]  Griffith, M.D., Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2011 Vortex shedding and three-dimensional behaviour of flow past a cylinder confined in a channel. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (5-6), 855-860.    
  240. [2 citations; 0.14/year]  Ismadi, M.-Z.P., Meunier, P., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K. 2011 Experimental control of vortex breakdown by density effects. Physics of Fluids 23 (3), 034104 (9 pages).    
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  243. [2 citations; 0.13/year]  Chua, C.S., Higgins, S.P.A. & Fouras, A. 2010 An asynchronous high-speed synchrotron shutter. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 17 (5), 624-630.    
  244. [2 citations; 0.12/year]  Cao, Y.H., Chen, K. & Sheridan, J. 2008 Flowfield simulation and aerodynamic performance analysis of complex iced aerofoils with hybrid multi-block grid. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G - Journal of Aerospace Engineering 222 (G3), 417-422.    
  245. [2 citations; 0.12/year]  Leweke, T., Schouveiler, L., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Unsteady flow around impacting bluff bodies. Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (8), 1194-1203.    
  246. [2 citations; 0.12/year]  Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2008 Flow normal to a short cylinder with hemispherical ends. Physics of Fluids 20 (4), 041701 (4 pages).    
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  248. [2 citations; 0.1/year]  Liow, Y.S.K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Sound generated by a pair of axisymmetric viscous coaxial vortex rings. AIAA Journal 43 (2), 326-336.    
  249. [2 citations; 0.09/year]  Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan K. 2004 Vortex structures in the wake of a buoyant tethered cylinder at moderate to high reduced velocities. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 127-135.    
  250. [2 citations; 0.07/year]  Wu, J. & Sheridan, J. 1997 The wake of an orbiting cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 11 (6), 617-626.    
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  252. [2 citations; 0.06/year]  Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Soria, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 1993 Experimental investigation of vortex shedding from a plate: effect of external velocity perturbation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 49 (1-3), 401-410.    
  253. [1 citation; 0.32/year]  McQueen, T., Burton, D., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 The double backward-facing step: interaction of multiple separated flow regions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 936, A29 (32 pages).    
  254. [1 citation; 0.32/year]  Terrington, S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 Vorticity generation and conservation on generalised interfaces in three-dimensional flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 936, A44 (32 pages).    
  255. [1 citation; 0.32/year]  Venning, J., McQueen, T., Lo Jacono, D., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2022 Aspect ratio and the dynamic wake of the Ahmed body. Experimental and Fluid Fluid Science 130, 110457 (10 pages).    
  256. [1 citation; 0.24/year]  Mohammed, S. A., Al-Sumaily, G, F., Dhahad, H. A. and Thompson, M. C. 2021 Heat transfer enhancement with pressure drop optimisation in a horizontal porous channel locally heated from below. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 26, 101013 (20 pages) .    
  257. [1 citation; 0.19/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Hussen, H. M., Alawee, W. H., Dhadad, H. A. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Non-Darcian Benard convection in eccentric annuli containing spherical particles. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 86, 108705 (19 pages).    
  258. [1 citation; 0.19/year]  Brons, M., Thompson, M. C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2020 Vorticity generation and conservation for two-dimensional interfaces and boundaries. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896, E1.    
  259. [1 citation; 0.19/year]  Costello, B. T., Voskoboinik, A., Qadri, A. M., Rudman, M., Thompson, M. C., Touma, F., La Gerche, A., Hare, J. L., Papapostolou, S., Kalman, J. M., Kistler, P. M., Taylor, A. J. 2020 Measuring atrial stasis during sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation using 4 Dimensional flow imaging. 4D flow imaging of atrial stasis. International Journal of Cardiology 315, 45-50.    
  260. [1 citation; 0.19/year]  Dehtyriov, D., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 Optimal growth of counter-rotating vortex pairs interacting with walls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 904, A10 (33 pages).    
  261. [1 citation; 0.19/year]  Easanesan, G., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2020 The effects of nose-shape and upstream flow separation on the wake of a cylindrical square-backed body. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 118, 110142 (11 pages).    
  262. [1 citation; 0.16/year]  Krishnan, H., Agrawal, A., Sharma, A., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2019 On the mechanism of symmetric vortex shedding. Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102706 (19 pages).    
  263. [1 citation; 0.14/year]  Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Experimental investigation of in-line flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847, 664-699.    
  264. [1 citation; 0.11/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2016 Flow topology and unsteady features of the wake of a generic high-speed train. Journal of Fluids and Structures 61, 168-183.    
  265. [1 citation; 0.11/year]  Crouch, T. N., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Brown, N. A. T. & Sheridan J. 2016 Dynamic leg-motion and its effect on the aerodynamic performance of cyclists. Journal of Fluids and Structures 65, 121-137.    
  266. [1 citation; 0.1/year]  Huang, Y., Venning, J., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2015 Vortex separation and interaction in the wake of inclined trapezoidal plates. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 771, 341–369.    
  267. [1 citation; 0.09/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F. & Thompson, M. C. 2014 Bénard convection from a circular cylinder in a packed bed. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 54, 18-26.    
  268. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Ismadi, M.-Z., Higgins, S., Samarage, C. R., Paganin, D., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2013 Optimisation of a stirred bioreactor through the use of a novel holographic correlation velocimetry flow measurement technique. PLoS One 8 (6), e65714.    
  269. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Leong, A. F. T., Fouras, A., Islam, M. S., Wallace, M. J., Hooper, S. B. & Kitchen, M. J. 2013 High spatiotemporal resolution measurement of regional lung air volumes from 2D phase contrast x-ray images. Medical Physics 40 (4), 041909.    
  270. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Park, J.L., Hodge, M.R., Al-Mulla, S., Sherry, M. & Sheridan, J. 2013 Air flow around the point of an arrow. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 227, 64-69.    
  271. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Siew, M. L., Wallace, M. J., Allison, B. J., Kitchen, M. J., te Pas, A. B., Islam, M. S., Lewis, R. A., Fouras, A., Yagi, N., Uesugi, K. & Hooper, S. B. 2013 The role of lung inflation and sodium transport in airway liquid clearance during lung aeration in newborn rabbits. Pediatric Research 73 (4), 443-449.    
  272. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Wheeler, K., Wallace, M., Kitchen, M., te Pas, A., Fouras, A., Islam, M., Siew, M., Lewis, R., Morley, C., Davis, P. & Hooper, S. 2013 Establishing lung gas volumes at birth: interaction between positive end-expiratory pressures and tidal volumes in preterm rabbits. Pediatric Research 73 (6), 734-741.    
  273. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Carnibella, R.P., Fouras, A. & Kitchen, M.J. 2012 Single exposure, dual energy subtraction X-ray imaging using a synchrotron source. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19 (6), 954-959.    
  274. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Carnibella, R.P., Kitchen, M.J. & Fouras, A. 2012 Determining particle size distributions from a single projection image. Optics Express 20 (14), 15962-15968.    
  275. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J. 2012 Enhancing heat transfer in a high Hartmann number magnetohydrodynamic channel flow via torsional oscillation of a cylindrical obstacle. Physics of Fluids 24 (11), 113601.    
  276. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Jamison, R.A., Siu, K.K.W., Dubsky, S., Armitage, J.A. & Fouras, A. 2012 X-ray velocimetry within the ex vivo carotid artery. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19 (6).    
  277. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Rao, A., Passaggia, P.-Y., Bolnot, H., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2012 Transition to chaos in the wake of a rolling sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 695, 135-148.    
  278. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A. 2012 Polynomial Element Velocimetry (PEV): A technique for continuous in-plane velocity and velocity gradient measurements for low Reynolds number flows. Measurement Science and Technology 23 (10), 105304.    
  279. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Thurgood, J.B., Hooper, S.B., Siew, M.L., Wallace, M.J., Dubsky, S., Kitchen, M.J., Jamison, R.A., Carnibella, R.P. & Fouras, A. 2012 Functional lung imaging during HFV in preterm rabbits. PLoS ONE 7 (10), e48122.    
  280. [1 citation; 0.08/year]  Tudball-Smith, D., Leontini, J.S., Sheridan, J. & Lo Jacono, D. 2012 Streamwise forced oscillations of circular and square cylinders . Physics of Fluids 24 (11), 111703.    
  281. [1 citation; 0.07/year]  Ackerly, T., Crosbie, J.C., Fouras, A., Sheard, G.J., Higgins, S.P.A. & Lewis, R.A. 2011 High resolution optical calorimetry for synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy. Journal of Instrumentation 6 (3), P03003 (11 pages).    
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  284. [1 citation; 0.07/year]  Khor, M., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2011 Power-Spectral density estimate of the Bloor-Gerrard instability in flows around circular cylinders. Experiments in Fluids 50 (3), 527–534.    
  285. [1 citation; 0.07/year]  Kumar, V., Ng, I., Sheard, G.J., Brocher, E., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A. 2011 Application of particle image velocimetry and reference image topography to jet shock cells using the hydraulic analogy. Experiments in Fluids 51 (2), 543–551.    
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  294. [1 citation; 0.02/year]  Thompson, M. C. 1983 Post-Newtonian collapse calculations. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 5 (2), 179-180.    
  295. [0 citations; 0/year]  Burton, D, Easanesan, G., Pasam, A., Brown, C.,Tudball Smith, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2025 Post-critical flow over arrangements of multiple rough cylinders. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 257, 105964 (23 pages).    
  296. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gupta, Siddharth, Lo, Jonathan C. C., Zhao, Jisheng, Thompson, Mark C. & Hourigan, Kerry 2025 The role of an afterbody in flow-induced vibration of cylinders at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (In Press) (18 pages).  
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  298. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Hussen, H. M., Dhahad, H. A., Thompson, M. C. & Yusaf , T. 2024 The appearance of oscillatory flows within a horizontal packed bed partly heated from below. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 47, 102340 (22 pages).    
  299. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cordero Obando, A., Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K. & Zhao, J. 2024 Effect of aspect ratio on flow-induced vibration of oblate spheroids and implications for energy generation. Journal of Fluids and Structures 128, 104137 (21 pages).    
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  302. [0 citations; 0/year]  Lo, J. C. C., Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K. & Zhao, J. 2024 Effects of angle of attack on the large oscillations of a thin elliptical cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 128, 104153 (15 pages).    
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  304. [0 citations; 0/year]  Mishra, R., Bhardwaj, R. & Thompson, M. C. 2024 Three-dimensional transition of the flow past an elastically mounted circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 984, A12 (35 pages).    
  305. [0 citations; 0/year]  Nanayakkara, S. D. J. S., Terrington, S. J., Zhao, J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2024 Contribution of rolling resistance to the drag coefficient of spheres freely rolling on a rough inclined surface. Physics of Fluids 36, 103340 (14 pages).    
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  312. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sareen, A., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2024 Varying Magnus effect on a rotating sphere at intermediate Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 109, 109501 (8 pages).    
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  314. [0 citations; 0/year]  Terra, W., Brown, C., Vloemans, S, van der Waals, M., Sciacchitano, A., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Huysmans, T. 2024 A Generic Cyclist Model for aerodynamic investigation: Design, geometry & first aerodynamic analysis of a male time-trial and sprint model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 252, 105829.    
  315. [0 citations; 0/year]  Terrington, S J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2024 Vorticity dynamics at partial-slip boundaries. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 980, A58.    
  316. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al Sumaily, G. F., Hussan, H. M., Chaichnan, M. T., Dhahad, H. A. and Thompson, M. C. 2023 Numerical analysis of flow shedding over an obstacle at low Reynolds number. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 99 (1), 109098.    
  317. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Hussen, H. M., Chaichan, M. T., Dhahad, H. A. & Thompson, M. C. 2023 Numerical analysis of the effect of porous structure on free convection heat transfer inside an eccentric annular space. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 37, 101579.    
  318. [0 citations; 0/year]  Brown, C., Burton, D., Crouch, T. & Thompson, M. C. 2023 The influence of turbulence on cycling aerodynamics. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 242, 105575 (18 pages).    
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  320. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gupta, S., Sharma, A., Agrawal, A., Thompson, M. C., & Hourigan, K. 2023 Role of Shape and Kinematics in the Hydrodynamics of a Fish-like Oscillating Hydrofoil. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, 1923 (17 pages).    
  321. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gupta, S., Zhao, J., Sharma, A., Amit, A., Hourigan, K. and Thompson, M. C. 2023 Two- and three-dimensional wake transitions of a NACA0012 airfoil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 954, A26 (31 pages).    
  322. [0 citations; 0/year]  Han, Peng, de Langre, Emmanuel, Thompson, Mark C., Hourigan , Kerry & Zhao, Jisheng 2023 Vortex induced vibration forever even with high structural damping. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 962, A13 (16 pages).    
  323. [0 citations; 0/year]  Houdroge, F. Y., Zhao, J., Terrington, S. J., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2023 Fluid–structure interaction of a sphere rolling along an inclined plane. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 962, A43 (35 pages).    
  324. [0 citations; 0/year]  Lo, Jonathan C.C., Hourigan Kerry., Thompson, Mark C. & Zhao, Jisheng. 2023 The effect of structural damping on flow-induced vibration of a thin elliptical cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974, A5 (31 pages) .    
  325. [0 citations; 0/year]  Pasam, A., Tudball Smith D., Holmes, J. D., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2023 The Influence of Surface Roughness on Post-Critical Flow Over Circular Cylinders Revisited. Accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics 975, A36 (38 pages).    
  326. [0 citations; 0/year]  Quazi, A., Crouch, T., Bell, J., McGreevy, T., Thompson, M. C. and Burton, D. 2023 A field study on the aerodynamics of freight trains with different stacking configurations. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 232, 105245 (19 pages).    
  327. [0 citations; 0/year]  Terrington, Stephen, Hourigan, Kerry & Thompson, C. Mark 2023 The Lyman-Huggins interpretation of enstrophy transport. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 958, A30 (22 pages).    
  328. [0 citations; 0/year]  Terrington, Stephen, Thompson, Mark C. & Hourigan, Kerry 2023 The inner and outer solutions to the inertial flow over a rolling cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 962, A31 (36 pages).    
  329. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al Sumaily, G. F., Dhahad, H. A. and Thompson, M. C. 2022 Mixed convection phenomenon in packed beds: A comprehensive review. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 32, 101242 (25 pages).    
  330. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bhat, S. S. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 Effect of leading-edge curvature on the aerodynamics of insect wings. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 93, 108898 (8 pages).    
  331. [0 citations; 0/year]  Dunlop, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 Reducing Slipstream Velocities Experienced in Proximity to High-Speed Trains. Fluids 7, 72 (13 pages).    
  332. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gupta, S., Agrawal, A., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M. C. and Sharma, A. 2022 Anguilliform and carangiform fish-inspired hydrodynamic study for an undulating hydrofoil: Effect of shape and adaptive kinematics. Physical Review Fluids 7, 094102 (27 pages).    
  333. [0 citations; 0/year]  Marquet, O., Leontini, J. S., Zhao, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2022 Hysteresis of two-dimensional flows around a NACA0012 airfoil at Re = 5000 and linear analyses of their mean flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 94, 108920 (9 pages).    
  334. [0 citations; 0/year]  McQueen, T., Burton, D., Sheridan, J. and Thompson, M. C. 2022 The double backward-facing step: effect of forcing on interacting separated flow regions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 946, A9 (33 pages).    
  335. [0 citations; 0/year]  Terrington, S. J., Hourigan, K. and Thompson, M. C. 2022 Vortex ring connection to a free surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 944, A56 (43 pages) .    
  336. [0 citations; 0/year]  Wang, S., Pitman, J., Brown, C., Tudball Smith, D., Crouch, T., Thompson, M. C. & Burton, D. 2022 The Influence of the Inter-Relationship of Leg Position and Riding Posture on Cycling Aerodynamics. Fluids 7, 18 (16 pages).    
  337. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2022 Damping effect on transverse flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder and its implied energy harvesting performance. Physical Review Fluids 7, 023905 (17 pages).    
  338. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2022 Decomposition of fluid forcing and phase synchronisation for in-line vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (RAPIDS) 941, (16 pages).    
  339. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Al Ezzi, A., Dhahad, H. A., Thompson, M. C. and Yusaf, T. 2021 Legitimacy of the Local Thermal Equilibrium Hypothesis in Porous Media: A Comprehensive Review. Energies 14, 8114 (47 pages).    
  340. [0 citations; 0/year]  Alawee, W. H., Al-Sumaily, G. F., Dhahad, H. A. & Thompson, M. C. 2021 Numerical analysis of non-Darcian mixed convection flows in a ventilated enclosure filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24, 100922 (16 pages).    
  341. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hocking, D.P., Marx, F. G., Wang, S., Burton, D., Thompson, M., Park, T., Burville, B., Richards, H. L., Sattler, R., Robbins, J., Miguez, R. P., Fitzgerald, E. M. G., Slip D. J., Evans, A. R. P. 2021 Convergent evolution of forelimb-propelled swimming in seals. Current Biology 31 (11), 2404-2409.    
  342. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. 2021 Exotic wakes of an oscillating circular cylinder: how singles pair up. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Focus on Fluids) 922, F1 (4 pages).    
  343. [0 citations; 0/year]  McArthur, D., Burton, D., Crouch, T., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2021 Wake flows of highly detailed heavy vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Technology 22 (5), 1227--1243.    
  344. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rajamuni, M. M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2021 Vortex-induced vibration of a sphere close to or piercing a free-surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 929, A41 (37 pages).    
  345. [0 citations; 0/year]  Konstantinidis, E., Zhao, J., Leontini, J., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2020 Phase dynamics of effective drag and lift components in vortex-induced vibration at low mass–damping. Journal of Fluids and Structures (Published online) 96, 103028 (26 pages).  
  346. [0 citations; 0/year]  Yang, Y., Huang, Y. & Zhao, J. 2020 Optimization of the automotive air conditioning strategy based on the study of dewing phenomenon and defogging progress. Applied Thermal Engineering 169, 114932 (17 pages).  
  347. [0 citations; 0/year]  Avadiar, T., Thompson, M. C., Sheridan, J. & Burton, D. 2019 The influence of reduced Reynolds number on the wake of the DrivAer estate vehicle. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 188, 207-216.    
  348. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bhat, S. S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Evolutionary shape optimisation enhances the lift coefficient of rotating wing geometries. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 868, 369-384.    
  349. [0 citations; 0/year]  Crouch, T., Menaspa, P., Barry, N., Brown, N., Thompson, M. C. & Burton, D. 2019 A wind-tunnel case study: Increasing road cycling velocity by adopting an aerodynamically improved sprint position. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 1-9.    
  350. [0 citations; 0/year]  Griffith, M. D., Crouch,T., Burton, D.,Sheridan, J., Brown, N. A. T. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 A numerical model for the timedependent wake of a pedalling cyclist. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 1-12.    
  351. [0 citations; 0/year]  Konstantinidis, E., Zhao, J., Leontini, J. S., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2019 Excitation and damping fluid forces on a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration. Frontiers in Physics 7, 185.    
  352. [0 citations; 0/year]  Maleki, S., Burton, D. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Flow structure between freight train containers with implications for aerodynamic drag. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 188, 194-206.    
  353. [0 citations; 0/year]  Mishra, R., Kulkarni, S. S., Bhardwaj, R. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Response of a linear viscoelastic splitter plate attached to a cylinder in laminar flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 87, 284-301.    
  354. [0 citations; 0/year]  Novak, J., Burton, D. & Crouch, T. 2019 Aerodynamic test results of bicycle helmets in different configurations: Towards a responsive design. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 233 (2), 268-276.    
  355. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rajamuni, M. M., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2019 Vortex-Induced Vibration of Elastically-mounted Spheres: a Comparison of the Response of Three Degrees of Freedom and One Degree of Freedom Systems. Journal of Fluids and Structures 89, 142-155.    
  356. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sareen, A., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2019 Large amplitude cross-stream sphere vibration generated by applied rotational oscillation. Journal of Fluids and Structures 89, 156-165.    
  357. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Leontini, J., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2019 The effect of mass ratio on the structural response of a freely vibrating square cylinder oriented at different angles of attack. Journal of Fluids and Structures 86, 200-212.    
  358. [0 citations; 0/year]  Avadiar, T., Thompson, M. C., Sheridan, J. & Burton, D. 2018 Characterisation of the wake of the DrivAer estate vehicle. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 177, 242-259.    
  359. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bhat, S. S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 The leading-edge vortex on a rotating wing changes markedly beyond a certain central body size. Royal Society Open Science 5, 172197 (16 pages).    
  360. [0 citations; 0/year]  Krishnan, H., Agrawal, A., Sharma, A., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2018 Characteristics of force coefficients and energy transfer for vortex shedding modes of a square cylinder subjected to inline excitation. Journal of Fluids and Structures 81, 270-288.    
  361. [0 citations; 0/year]  Lo Jacono, D., Bourguet, R., Thompson, M. C. & Leontini, J. S. 2018 Three-dimensional mode selection of the flow past a rotating and inline oscillating cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (RAPIDS) 855, R3-1 -- 11.    
  362. [0 citations; 0/year]  Massai, T., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Bartoli, G. & and Sheridan, J. 2018 The effect of angle of attack on flow-induced vibration of low-side-ratio rectangular cylinders. Journal of Fluids and Structures 82, 375-393.  
  363. [0 citations; 0/year]  Pierce, R. S., Falzon, B. G. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Permeability Characterization of Sheared Carbon Fiber Textile Preform. Polymer Composites 39 (7), 2287-2298.    
  364. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rajamuni, M. M., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan K. 2018 Transverse flow-induced vibrations of a sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 837, 931-966.    
  365. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rajamuni, M. M., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2018 Vortex-induced vibration of a transversely rotating sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847, 786-820.    
  366. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sareen, A., Zhao, J, Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 The effect of imposed rotary oscillation on the flow-induced vibration of a sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 703-735.    
  367. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sareen, A.,Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Vortex-induced vibrations of a sphere close to a free surface (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 846.  
  368. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Nemes, A., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2018 Branch/mode competition in the flow-induced vibration of a square cylinder. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 376 (2126), 20170243.  
  369. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2017 The effect of tail geometry on the slipstream and unsteady wake structure of high-speed trains . Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 83, 215-230.    
  370. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2017 A wind-tunnel methodology for assessing the slipstream of high-speed trains. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 166, 1-9.    
  371. [0 citations; 0/year]  Costello, B. T., Qadri, M., Price, B., Papapostolou, S., Thompson, M., Hare, J. L., La Gerche, A., Rudman, M. & Taylor, A. J. 2017 The ventricular residence time distribution derived from 4D flow particle tracing: a novel marker of myocardial dysfunction. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 26 (Supplement ), S275 9 pages.    
  372. [0 citations; 0/year]  Houdroge, F., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 Two- and three-dimensional wake transitions of an impulsively started uniformly rolling circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 826, 32-59.    
  373. [0 citations; 0/year]  Kundu, A., Soti, A. K., Bhardwaj, R. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 The response of an elastic splitter plate attached to a cylinder to laminar pulsatile flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures 68, 423-443.    
  374. [0 citations; 0/year]  Li, C., Burton, D., Kost, M., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 Flow topology of a container train wagon subjected to varying local loading configurations. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 169, 12-29.    
  375. [0 citations; 0/year]  Pierce, R. S., Falzon, B. G. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 A multi-physics process model for simulating the manufacture of resin-infused composite aerostructures. Composites Science and Technology 149, 269-279.    
  376. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rao, A., Leontini, J. S., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2017 Three-dimensionality of elliptical cylinder wakes at low angles of incidence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 245-283.    
  377. [0 citations; 0/year]  Soti, A.K., Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J. & Bhardwaj, R. 2017 Harnessing electrical power from vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures 70, 360-373.    
  378. [0 citations; 0/year]  Tudball-Smith, D., Rockwell, D., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2017 The effect of radius of gyration on a wing rotating at low Reynolds number. A computational study.. Physical Review Fluids 2, 064701 (23 pages).    
  379. [0 citations; 0/year]  Venning, J., Lo Jacono, D., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2017 The nature of the vortical structures in the near wake of the Ahmed body. Proceedings of IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (Special ed), (6 pages).    
  380. [0 citations; 0/year]  Avadiar, T., Bell, J.R., Burton, D., Cormaty, H. & Chao, L. 2016 Analysis of high-speed train flow structures under crosswind. Journal of Measurement Science and Technology 30 (9), 3985-3991.  
  381. [0 citations; 0/year]  Barry, N., Burton, D., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M. C. & Brown, N. A. T. 2016 An Analysis of the Wake of Pedalling Cyclists in a Tandem Formation. Procedia Engineering 147, 7-12.    
  382. [0 citations; 0/year]  Barry, N., Sheridan, J., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Brown, N. A. T.. 2016 Flow field interactions between two tandem cyclists. Experiments in Fluids 57 (181), 14 pages.    
  383. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bell, J. R., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C., Herbst, A. H. & Sheridan, J. 2016 Dynamics of trailing vortices in the wake of a generic high-speed train. Journal of Fluids and Structures 65, 238-256.    
  384. [0 citations; 0/year]  Crouch, T. N., Burton, D., Venning, J. A., Thompson, M.C., Brown, N. A. T. & Sheridan, J. 2016 A Comparison of the Wake Structures of Scale and Full-scale Pedalling Cycling Models. Procedia Engineering 147, 13-19.    
  385. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gupta, P., Ismadi, M. Z., Verma, P. J., Fouras, A., Jadhav, S., Bellare, J. & Hourigan, K. 2016 Optimization of agitation speed in spinner flask for microcarrier structural integrity and expansion of induced pluripotent stem cells. Cytotechnology 68 (1), 45-59.    
  386. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hasani-Sadrabadi, M. M., Taranejoo, S., Dashtimoghadam, E., Bahlakeh, G., Majedi, F. S., Van Dersarl, J. J., Janmaleki, M., Sharifi, F., Bertsch, A., Hourigan, K., Tayebi, L., Renaud, P. & Jacob, K. I. 2016 Microfluidic Manipulation of Core/Shell Nanoparticles for Oral Delivery of Chemotherapeutics: A New Treatment Approach for Colorectal Cancer. Advanced Materials 28 (21), 4134-4141.    
  387. [0 citations; 0/year]  Krishnan, H., Agrawal, A., Sharma, A. & Sheridan J. 2016 Near-body vorticity dynamics of a square cylinder subjected to an inline pulsatile free stream flow. Physics of Fluids 82, 093605 (24 pages).  
  388. [0 citations; 0/year]  McArthur, D., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2016 On the near wake of a simplified heavy vehicle. Journal of Fluids and Structures 66, 293-314.    
  389. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rao, A., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2016 A universal three-dimensional instability of the wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792, 50-66.    
  390. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rowcroft, J., Burton, D., Blackburn, H. M. & Sheridan, J. 2016 Siting wind turbines near cliffs: The effect of wind direction. Wind Energy 19, 1469-1484.    
  391. [0 citations; 0/year]  Taranejoo, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Cheng, W. & Hourigan, K. 2016 Bioreducible PEI-functionalized glycol chitosan: A novel gene vector with reduced cytotoxicity and improved transfection efficiency. Carbohydrate Polymers 153, 160-168.    
  392. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhang, J., Li, J. J., Tian, H. Q., Gao, G. J.. & Sheridan, J. 2016 Impact of ground and wheel boundary conditions on numerical simulation of the high-speed train aerodynamic performance. Journal of Fluids and Structures 61, 249-261.    
  393. [0 citations; 0/year]  Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. & Banerjee, R. 2015 Myocardial infarction: stem cell transplantation for cardiac regeneration. Future Medicine, Regenerative Medicine 10 (8), 1025-1043.    
  394. [0 citations; 0/year]  Gaddam, A., Agrawal, A., Joshi, S. S. & Thompson, M. C. 2015 Utilization of cavity vortex to delay the wetting transition in one-dimensional structured microchannels. Langmuir 31 (49), 13373-13384.    
  395. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J. S., Thompson, M. C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K. 2015 The influence of a small upstream wire on transition in a rotating cylinder wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 769 (R2), 1-12.    
  396. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rowcroft, J., Burton, D., Blackburn, H. M. and Sheridan J. 2015 Siting wind turbines near cliffs—the effect of wind direction. Journal of Wind Energy 19 (8), 1469-1484.    
  397. [0 citations; 0/year]  Taranejoo, S., Liu, J., Verma, P. J. & Hourigan, K. 2015 A review of the developments of characteristics of PEI derivatives for gene delivery applications.. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 132, 42096 (1 - 8).    
  398. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al-Sumaily, G. F., Hussen, H. M. & Thompson, M. C. 2014 Validation of thermal equilibrium assumption in free convection flow over a cylinder embedded in a packed bed. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 58, 184-192.    
  399. [0 citations; 0/year]  Assemat, P., Armitage, J., Siu, K., Contreras, K. G., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Three-dimensional numerical simulation of blood flow in mouse aortic arch around atherosclerotic plaques. Applied Mathematical Modelling 38, 4174-4185.    
  400. [0 citations; 0/year]  Assemat, P., Siu, K.K., Armitage, J.A., Hokke, S.N., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Hemodynamical stress in mouse aortic arch with atherosclerotic plaques: preliminary study of plaque progression. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 10, 98-106.    
  401. [0 citations; 0/year]  Braza, M. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction-I. Journal of Fluids and Structures 47 (1), 1-1.  
  402. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cao, Y.H., Li, G.Z. & Sheridan, J. 2014 Airflow hazard prediction for helicopter flight in icing condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering 228 (1), 147-154.    
  403. [0 citations; 0/year]  Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. & Banerjee, R. 2014 Development of dual triggered in-situ gelling scaffolds for tissue engineering. Polymer International 63, 1593-1599.    
  404. [0 citations; 0/year]  Crouch, T. N., Burton, D., Brown, N. A. T., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2014 Flow topology in the wake of a cyclist and its effect on aerodynamic drag (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 748.  
  405. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hussam, W. K., Tsai, T. K. & Sheard, G. J. 2014 The effect of rotation on radial horizontal convection and Nusselt number scaling in a cylindrical container. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77, 46-59.    
  406. [0 citations; 0/year]  Ismadi, M.-Z., Gupta, P., Fouras, A., Verma, P., Jadhav, S., Bellare, J. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Flow characterization of spinner flask for induced pluripotent stem cell culture application. PLOS ONE 9 (10), e106493.    
  407. [0 citations; 0/year]  Ismadi, M.-Z., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A., 2014 Experimental characterisation of fluid mechanics in spinner flask bioreactor. Processes 2, 753-772.    
  408. [0 citations; 0/year]  Mununga, L., Lo Jacono, D., Sorensen, J. N., Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2014 Control of confined vortex breakdown with partial rotating lids (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 738.  
  409. [0 citations; 0/year]  Pierce, R. S., Falzon, B. G., Thompson, M. C. & Boman, R. 2014 Implementation of a non-orthogonal model for the finite element simulation of textile composite draping. Applied Mechanics and Materials 553, 76–81.    
  410. [0 citations; 0/year]  Radi, A., | Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J. 2014 A device to achieve low Reynolds numbers in an open surface water channel. Experiments in Fluids: experimental methods and their applications to fluid flow 55, 1 - 8.    
  411. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rowcroft, J. ,Burton,D. , Blackburn H. M. and Sheridan J. 2014 Surface flow visualisation over forward facing steps with varying yaw angle. Journal of Physics 555 (Conference ), 1-8.    
  412. [0 citations; 0/year]  Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G. J. 2014 Linear stability analysis of a shear layer induced by differential coaxial rotation within a cylindrical enclosure. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 738, 299-334.    
  413. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Leontini, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J. 2014 Fluid–structure interaction of a square cylinder at different angles of attack. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 747, 688–721.    
  414. [0 citations; 0/year]  Zhao, J., Leontini, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J. 2014 Chaotic vortex induced vibrations. Physics of Fluids 26 (121702), 1-7.    
  415. [0 citations; 0/year]  Al-Sumaily, G.F., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M.C. 2013 Validation of thermal equilibrium assumption in forced convection steady and pulsatile flows over a cylinder embedded in a porous channel. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 43, 30-38.    
  416. [0 citations; 0/year]  Assemat, P. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Evolution and rupture of vulnerable plaques: A review of mechanical effects. ChronoPhysiology and Therapy 3, 23-40.    
  417. [0 citations; 0/year]  Burton, D., McArthur, D., Sheridan, J. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Contribution of add-on components to the aerody- namic drag of a cab-over truck-trailer combination vehicle. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 6 (2), 477-485.  
  418. [0 citations; 0/year]  Carnibella, R. P., Kitchen, M. J. & Fouras, A. 2013 Decoding the structure of granular and porous materials from speckled phase contrast X-ray images. Optics Express 21 (6), 19153-19162.    
  419. [0 citations; 0/year]  Donnelley, M., Morgan, K.S., Siu, K.K.W., Farrow, N., Chua, C., Fouras, A. & Parsons, D. 2013 In-vivo changes in mucociliary transport after aerosols. Respirology 18 (SI-2), 14.
  420. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hooper, S.B., Fouras, A., Siew, M.L., Wallace, M.J., Kitchen, M.J., te Pas, A.B., Klingenberg, C., Lewis, R.A., Davis, P.G., Morley, C.J. & Schmolzer, G.M. 2013 Expired CO2 levels indicate degree of lung aeration at birth. PLoS ONE 8 (8), e70895.    
  421. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K., Rao, A., Brons, M., Leweke, T. & Thompson, M. C. 2013 Vorticity generation and wake transition for a translating circular cylinder: Wall proximity and rotation effects. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 122 (SI), 2-9.    
  422. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J. 2013 Heat transfer in a high Hartmann number MHD duct flow with a circular cylinder placed near the heated side-wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 67, 944-954.    
  423. [0 citations; 0/year]  Jamison, R.A., Samarage, C.R., Bryson-Richardson, R.J. & Fouras, A. 2013 In vivo wall shear measurements within the developing zebrafish heart. PLoS ONE 8 (10), e75722.    
  424. [0 citations; 0/year]  McArthur, D., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan J. 2013 Development of a wind tunnel test section for evaluation of heavy vehicle aerodynamic drag at a scale of 1:3. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 6 (2), 522-528.  
  425. [0 citations; 0/year]  Meunier, P. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Mixing in vortex breakdown flow (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 731.  
  426. [0 citations; 0/year]  Meunier, P. & Hourigan, K. 2013 Mixing in vortex breakdown flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 731, 195-222.    
  427. [0 citations; 0/year]  Morgan, K., Donnelley, M., Fouras, A., Siu, K. & Parsons, D. 2013 Changes in airway surface liquid depth imaged after aerosolized hypertonic saline. Respirology 18 (SI-2), 3.
  428. [0 citations; 0/year]  Morgan, K.S., Donnelly, M., Paganin, D.M., Fouras, A., Yagi, N., Suzuki, Y., Takeuchi, A., Uesugi, K., Boucher, R.C., Parsons, D.W. & Siu, K.K.W. 2013 Measuring airway surface liquid depth in ex vivo mouse airways by x-ray imaging for the assessment of cystic fibrosis airway therapies. PLoS ONE 8 (1), e55822.    
  429. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sherry, M., Nemes, A., Lo Jacono, D., Blackburn, H. M. & Sheridan, J. 2013 The interaction of helical tip and root vortices in a wind turbine wake. Physics of Fluids 25 (11), 117102.    
  430. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sherry, M., Sheridan, J. & Lo Jacono, D. 2013 Characterisation of a horizontal axis wind turbine's tip and root vortices. Experiments in Fluids 54 (3), 1417.    
  431. [0 citations; 0/year]  Butler, C.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J. 2012 Hemodynamic forces on in vitro thrombi: A numerical analysis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 50 (5), 493-502.    
  432. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cao, Y. H., Ma, C., Zhang, Q. & Sheridan, J. 2012 Numerical simulation of ice accretions on an aircraft wing. Aerospace Science and Technology 23 (1), 296-304.    
  433. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cao, Y.H., Wan, K., Song, Q.F. & Sheridan, J. 2012 Numerical simulation of parachute fluid-structure interaction in terminal descent. Science China-Technological Sciences 55 (11), 3131-3141.    
  434. [0 citations; 0/year]  Donnelley, M., Siu, K.K.W., Jamison, R.A. & Parsons, D.W. 2012 Synchrotron phase-contrast X-ray imaging reveals fluid dosing dynamics for gene transfer into mouse airways. Gene Therapy 19, 8-14.    
  435. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. 2012 Editorial (Hot topic: Biomedical engineering imaging). Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 13 (11), 2103.    
  436. [0 citations; 0/year]  Nazarinia, M., Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M.C. & Sheridan, J. 2012 Flow over a cylinder subjected to combined translational and rotational oscillations. Journal of Fluids and Structures 32, 135-145.    
  437. [0 citations; 0/year]  Nemes, A. ,Sherry, M., Lo Jacono,D., Blackburn, H. M. and Sheridan, J. 2012 Evolution and breakdown of helical vortex wakes behind a wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 555.  
  438. [0 citations; 0/year]  Nemes, A., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J. 2012 The interaction between flow-induced vibration mechanisms of a square cylinder with varying angles of attack. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 710, 102–130.    
  439. [0 citations; 0/year]  Ng, I., Paganin, D.M. & Fouras, A. 2012 Optimization of in-line phase contrast particle image velocimetry using a laboratory x-ray source. Journal of Applied Physics 112 (7), 074701.    
  440. [0 citations; 0/year]  Ng, T.W., Lau, C.Y., Bernados-Chamagne, E., Liu, J. Z., Sheridan, J. & Tan, N. 2012 Graphite flake self-retraction response based on potential seeking. Nanoscale Research Letters 7, 185.    
  441. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rao, A., Passaggia, P.-Y., Bolnot, H., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K. 2012 Transition to chaos in the wake of a rolling sphere (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 695.  
  442. [0 citations; 0/year]  Rowcroft, J., Burton, D., Blackburn, H. M. and Sheridan, J. 2012 Surface flow visualisation over forward facing steps with varying yaw angle. Journal of Physics 555.    
  443. [0 citations; 0/year]  Thompson, M.C. 2012 Effective transition of steady flow over a square leading-edge plate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 698, 335-357.    
  444. [0 citations; 0/year]  Xiong, T., Ilmi, H., Hoarau, Y., Choquet, P., Goetz, C., Fouras, A., Dubsky, S., Braza, M., Sainlos-Brillac, S., Plouraboue, F. & Lo Jacono, D. 2012 Flow and particles deposition in anatomically realistic airways. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 15 (S1), 56-58.    
  445. [0 citations; 0/year]  Berry, J.D., Carberry, J. & Thompson, M.C. 2011 Flow dynamics of a tethered elastic capsule. Physics of Fluids 23 (2), 021901 (8 pages).    
  446. [0 citations; 0/year]  Chaurasia, H. K. & Thompson, M. C. 2011 Three-dimensional instabilities in the boundary-layer flow over a long rectangular plate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 681, 411-433.    
  447. [0 citations; 0/year]  Griffith, M.D., Schouveiler, L., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2011 Dynamics of the flow around colliding spheres. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (8), 1349-1356.    
  448. [0 citations; 0/year]  Witt, P. J., Prakash, M., Fletcher, D. F., Sheard, G. J. & Schwarz, M. P. 2011 Preface to special issue of selected papers from CFD in the minerals and process industries. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 2051.    
  449. [0 citations; 0/year]   Abdulrahim, M., Watkins, S., Segal, R., Marino, M. & Sheridan, J. 2010 Dynamic sensitivity to atmospheric turbulence of unmanned air vehicles with varying configuration. Journal of Aircraft 47 (6), 1873-1883.    
  450. [0 citations; 0/year]  Boustead, N., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J. 2010 Short-wave instability growth in closely spaced vortex pairs. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 10 (5/6), 276-283.    
  451. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cao, Y.H., Song, Q.F., Wu, Z. & Sheridan, J. 2010 Flow field and topological analysis of hemispherical parachute in low angles of attack. Modern Physics Letters B 24 (15), 1707-1725.    
  452. [0 citations; 0/year]  Watkins, S., Thompson, M., Shortis, M., Segal, R., Abdulrahim, M. & Sheridan, J. 2010 An overview of experiments on the dynamic sensitivity of MAVs to turbulence. Aeronautical Journal 114 (1158), 485-492.  
  453. [0 citations; 0/year]  Witt, P.J., Prakash, M., Fletcher, D.F., Sheard, G.J. & Schwarz, M.P. 2010 CFD in the Minderals and Process Industries preface. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 10 (5/6), 263-264.  
  454. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bouffanais, R. & Lo Jacono, D. 2009 Transitional cylindrical swirling flow in presence of a flat free surface. Computers & Fluids 38 (8), 1651-1673.    
  455. [0 citations; 0/year]  Bouffanais, R. & Lo Jacono, D. 2009 Unsteady transitional swirling flow in the presence of a moving free surface. Physics of Fluids 21 (6), 064107 (14 pages).    
  456. [0 citations; 0/year]  Brons, M., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Dye visualization near a 3D stagnation point: Application to the vortex breakdown bubble (FRONT COVER JFM). JFM 622.  
  457. [0 citations; 0/year]  Cao, Y.H., Wu, Z., Song, Q. & Sheridan, J. 2009 Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in the opening process of conical parachute. Aeronautical Journal 113 (1141), 191-200.  
  458. [0 citations; 0/year]  Eppel, G.A., Lo Jacono, D., Shirai, M., Umetani, K., Evans, R.G. & Pearson, J.T. 2009 Contrast angiography of the rat renal microcirculation in vivo using synchrotron radiation. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 296 (5), F1023-F1031.    
  459. [0 citations; 0/year]  Leweke, T., Schouveiler, L., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Erratum to "Unsteady flow around impacting bluff bodies" [J. Fluids Struct. 24 (2008) 1194-1203]. Journal of Fluids and Structures 25 (3), 587-588.    
  460. [0 citations; 0/year]  Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 2009 Motion of a Möbius strip in free fall. Journal of Fluids and Structures 25 (4), 687-696.    
  461. [0 citations; 0/year]  Liow, K.Y.S., Tan, B.T., Thouas, G.A. & Thompson, M.C. 2009 CFD modeling of the steady-state momentum and oxygen transport in a bioreactor that is driven by an aerial rotating disk. Modern Physics Letters B 23 (2), 121-127.  
  462. [0 citations; 0/year]  Lo Jacono, D., Nazarinia, M. & Brons, M. 2009 Experimental vortex breakdown topology in a cylinder with a free surface. Physics of Fluids 21 (11), 111704 (4 pages).    
  463. [0 citations; 0/year]  Roy, C., Schaeffer, N., Le Dizès, S. & Thompson, M.C. 2008 Stability of a pair of co-rotating vortices with axial flow. Physics of Fluids 20 (9), 094101 (8 pages).    
  464. [0 citations; 0/year]  Tago, D., Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M. & Hourigan, K. 2006 Experimental analysis of shear stress at a local area in a disk rotating bioreactor. Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 26 (2), 311-314.  
  465. [0 citations; 0/year]  Fitzgerald, A., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Vortex breakdown state selection as a metastable process. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 46, C351-C364.
  466. [0 citations; 0/year]  Griffith, M. D., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Modelling blockage effects using a spectral element method. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 46, C167-C180.
  467. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sheard, G. J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2005 Computing the flow past a cylinder with hemispherical ends. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 46, C1296-C1310.
  468. [0 citations; 0/year]  Stewart, B., Leontini, J. S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2005 Vortex wake and energy transitions of an oscillating cylinder at low Reynolds number. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 46, C181-C195.
  469. [0 citations; 0/year]  Carberry, J., Sheridan, J. & Rockwell, D. 2004 Cylinder oscillations beneath a free-surface. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 81-88.    
  470. [0 citations; 0/year]  Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K. 2004 Touchdown of a sphere. Physics of Fluids 16 (9), S1, Gallery of Fluid Motion.  
  471. [0 citations; 0/year]  Reichl, P.J., Morris, P., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Stoneman, S.A.T. 1998 Smooth particle hydrodynamics simulation of surface coating. Applied Mathematical Modelling 22, 1037-1046.    
  472. [0 citations; 0/year]  Tan, B.T., Morris, P., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K. 1998 Chaotic mixing simulations. Applied Mathematical Modelling 22, 1047-1057.    
  473. [0 citations; 0/year]  Thompson, M.C., Tan, B.T., & Hourigan, K. 1998 Flow around long rectangular plates under crossflow perturbations. International Journal of Fluid Dynamics (WWW) 2, Article 1.
  474. [0 citations; 0/year]  Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Mills, R. 1997 Vortex structures in the flow over a rectangular plate. Transactions of the ASME: Fluid-Structure Interaction, Aeroelasticity, Flow-Induced Vibration and Noise 53 (1), 85-91.  
  475. [0 citations; 0/year]  Brocher, E., Hourigan, K., Andrianantoandro, A., Thompson, M.C. & Welsh, M.C. 1992 Sur le transfer d'energie entre un ecoulement tourbillonnaire et un champ. Journal de Physique IV- Colloque 2 (C1), 577-580.    
  476. [0 citations; 0/year]  Welsh, M.C., Soria, J., Sheridan, J., Wu, J., Hourigan, K. & Hamilton, N. 1992 Three-dimensional flows in the wake of a circular cylinder. The Visualization Society of Japan - Album of Visualization (ISSN: 0916-7323) 9, 17-18.  
  477. [0 citations; 0/year]  Mathias, M., Stokes, A.N., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C. 1988 Low level flow induced acoustic resonances in ducts. Fluid Dynamics Research 3, 353-356.    
  478. [0 citations; 0/year]  Soh, W.K., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C. 1988 The shedding of vorticity from a smooth surface. Fluid Dynamics Research 3, 122-126.    
  479. [0 citations; 0/year]  Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C. & Soh, W.K. 1988 Prediction of vortex shedding from bluff bodies in the presence of a sound field. Fluid Dynamics Research 3, 349-352.    
  480. [0 citations; 0/year]  Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C. 1986 Numerical simulation of the heat transfer in the separated and reattached flow on a blunt flat plate. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 13 (6), 665-674.    
  481. [0 citations; 0/year]  Thompson, M.C. 1985 Rapidy rotating core-collapse models. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 6 (2), 214-216.    
  482. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. 1984 Titan and the dispersal of the proto-Saturnian nebula. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 5 (4), 459-461.    
  483. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. & Schwarz, M. P. 1984 Nebula tides and gap formation. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 5 (4), 461-464.    
  484. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. & Ward, W. R. 1982 Tidal barriers and the viscous evolution of the solar nebula. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 14, 716-717.  
  485. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. 1981 Growth of planetesimals in a gaseous ring. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 4 (2), 226-227.    
  486. [0 citations; 0/year]  Hourigan, K. 1977 Numerical experiments on planetesimal aggregation during the formation of the solar system. Proceedings Astronomical Society of Australia 3 (2), 169-171.    
  487. [-2 citations; -0.28/year]  Sareen, A., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Vortex-induced vibration of a rotating sphere. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 837, 258-292.    
  488. [-8 citations; -1.12/year]  Macarthur, D., Burton, D., Thompson, M. C. & Sheridan, J. 2018 The wake of heavy vehicles in cross-wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 175, 364-375.    
  489. [-9 citations; -1.26/year]  Gaddam, A., Agrawal, A., Joshi, S. S. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Slippage on a particle-laden liquid-gas interface in textured microchannels. Physics of Fluids 30, 032101 (14 pages).    
  490. [-9 citations; -1.26/year]  Sareen, A.,Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C. 2018 Vortex-induced vibrations of a sphere close to a free surface . Journal of Fluid Mechanics 846, 1023-1058.    
  491. [-9 citations; -0.33/year]  Soria, J., Kostas, J., Fouras, A. & Cater, J. 1998 A high-spatial resolution and large dynamic range cross-correlation PIV technique for turbulent flow measurements. In International Conference on Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow, IMechE Conference Transactions, vol. 1998, issue 2, City University, London, England, 16-17 April 1998, 375-384

Citations vs papers

Citations/year vs papers

ISI Data

Citation statistics are taken from ISI Web of Science, using the "Create Citation Report" feature.


Researcher Items Cites/item Tot. cites h-index (1st-author only) m-coefficient
Hourigan, K. 118 9.77 1153 18 (6) 0.514
Thompson, M.C. 100 10.72 1072 16 (9) 0.615
Sheridan, J. 62 10.29 638 13 (3) 0.565
Fouras, A. 51 9.22 470 13 (8) 0.929
Carberry, J. 20 15.15 288 9 (4) 0.643
Sheard, G.J. 37 6.11 226 9 (7) 1.00
Ryan, K. 18 5.61 101 6 (4) 0.600
Leontini, J.S. 11 6.45 71 5 (4) 0.833
Tan, B.T. 9 6.78 61 4 (3) 0.286
Griffith, M.D. 6 4.67 28 4 (4) 0.800


Researcher h-index m-coefficient
Whitten, E. 110 3.89
Heeger, A.J. 107 2.38
Cohen, M.L. 94 2.24
Gossard, A.C. 94 2.09
Anderson, P.W. 91 1.88
Weinberg, S 88 1.76
Fisher, M.E. 88 1.91
Cardona, M. 86 1.87
Hawking, Stephen 66 1.59
Einstein, Albert 48  
Saffman, Philip G. 46  
Antonia, Robert A. 42  
Batchelor, G.K. 39  
Williamson, Charles H.K. 24 1.00
Bearman, Peter W. 23  
Huerre, Patrick 23  
Sarpkaya, Turgut 21  
FLAIR group 19  
Evans, Roger G. 18  
Denton, Kate M. 10  
Leweke, Thomas 9  


 A researcher's h-index is obtained by numbering their publications from most to least cited, and the h-index is the number of publications that have a number of citations greater than, or equal to, their numbered position in the list.  Read the 2005 article by J. E. Hirsch which proposed the h-index.

Some researchers outside the group are included for comparison.


The m-coefficient is calculated as the h-index divided by the number of years since an author first published.  This coefficient is an indicator of research impact, but it should be noted that it varies widely between fields.